Terrible Tuesday

expodition4Wow, this week isn’t going good.

The morning started out OK, I went to work and sat down with some coffee. We talked a little about a couple of programs and everything seemed OK. About 11am my sister calls and says, I’m running late, a lady she knew died last night, can I take my Aunt to the doctor. Sure, why not.

I picked up my 78 or 79 year old Aunt Doris. Now picture someone name Doris Laverne and it’s her. I dropped her off at the doctors then waited 1 1/2 to 2 hours for her. (NO biggie) Then my wife calls and say, let’s meet for lunch. The first place and a line out the door and the second place was an English Pub. We ate and my wife said she’d drop my aunt off on her way home. Cool, that was better for me… I can go back to work.

Got back at 3 pm, the IT guy was working on my computer. (DAMN IT) So at 3:30 he gets up and leaves so I finally have my computer back. I notice my phone had rang so I called back my wife. blah blah blah, shit, fucker just did a u-turn and hit me, baby, she was crying… click.  WTF…? So like Batman, in the series, leaving the BatCave I haul-ass toward home. NOT a 100% sure but I remember her saying that she was getting ready to turn down into our subdivision.  I get there and a guy did try to do a u-turn and tore the side out of the Expedition.  She’s OK, baby is good, only the truck is damaged. We wait for the cops and the other driver is charged and ticketed. Now comes the pain-in-the-ass adventure of working with the insurance companies to get it fixed. I shouldn’t be out of pocket for anything, she was not at fault. (We Will See?)

After all the excitement I decided, let’s just do Taco Bell for dinner… agh…my diet. Damn, shit, &(*)#$ I’ve screwed up again! But I only got a soft Taco and a Double Decker. Not great but not a weekly diet killer either. So tomorrow I’m back on track again!

How is everyone else doing on their RESOLUTIONS?

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