A Dad to a 2 year old girl

isabella6Yes at 50 years old I’m a Dad to a 2 year old girl. Now this is all a little different from what I’m used to. I have 2 sons that are going on 19 and 16. I’ve always heard they were the same to raise… oh no, or at least in my case they’re not.

It could be I’m older and more relaxed about things. Maybe I’ve actually given up on a lot of things now. The little girl can do no wrong in my eyes. She’ll do something that I know I should fuss at her about and just can’t. She looks at me with those pretty blue eyes and all I can think of …it’s OK. It’s not just me either, the boys are as bad as me. She had my youngest son push the 4 wheeler around the yard while she sat on it because it was out of gas. The yesterday she has my oldest get her pool, fill it up, put bubbles in it, and keep refilling it as she poured out the water.

That HIGH pitched scream that will shatter glass, where did that come from. Whenever she’s playing or mad that’s when we all hear it. She runs around screaming! But that’s OK, she is so cute doing it. Don’t let anyone else touch my drinking glass or phone. I guess only her and I are able to do that. When she see’s someone touch my drink or pick up my phone she grabs at it screaming, “DADDY”. – I love it when she does that.

The saddest thing about it is my wife is the one that is going to have to discipline her. I’m pretty sure I won’t if it’s left up to me. I’ll get up a night just to stare at her and stand there in AWE of how beautiful she is. She truly is HELL on WHEELS when she’s awake! Her naps are 30 minute power naps.

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