Traveling Jase wants to Travel!

Hey guys… I’m traveling Jase. I want to travel all over and have my photo taken. You can take my photo however you want and send it back to me and I’ll post them on the website. If you are interest and can send him on within a few days let me know. Email Me Here!


Once you photo is taken I’ll send you another address to send him along. He will fit in a medium envelope or box. (very light) It’ll probably be $3 – $4 to ship so if that is not acceptable please don’t participate. I’ll include a small notebook so you can leave a message.


Stupid Questions

61_nWhy do people always ask stupid questions. Is it a way to start a conversation or are they just stupid.


I’m standing there with a Coke Cola in my hand
They ask, are you having a coke?

I have all my bags and keys in my hand.
They ask, Are you leaving?

I’m reading a book.
They ask, Are you reading?

You get the point, but WTF? Why?

I try my best NOT to do this to other people unless I’m just aggravating them.   When someone does that I instantly what to give back a smartass answer. Like I’m eating a piece of pecan pie. They ask, are you eating pie? My response is, “does it look like I’m eating a pile of shit? Do you fucking know what pie looks like? What do you really think I’m eating? But I’m too polite and answer, “Oh yes, and it’s very good”, or some bullshit like that.

I think people just constantly ask stupid questions so now it has become an accepted practice. Who know just don’t ask me. LOL

If I only Grew 5 Peppers?

A coupe of time I’ve been ask, If I could only grow 5 peppers what would they be?

  1. Thai Orange – for all oriental dishes and soups
  2. Cumari – Best pepper for making sauces (dam it’s good)
  3. Aji Lemon – for the best sauces ever… fish, chicken, eggs, burgers, etc.
  4. Chocolate Habanero – for powder. Goes good in just about everything.
  5. Bubble Gum x Moruga – It’s not the hottest but it’s my go to when I want to really heat some soups up.

Before I get a bunch of emails explaining why I didn’t include some main peppers. I can go to Publix grocery store and buy jalapenos, Serrano, pablanos, orange habanero, green and red peppers any day. I could also buy cayenne pepper and crushed red peppers off the shelf. Now if I couldn’t buy any peppers I would have to rethink my choices to include the jalapenos and Serrano.


3 Pepper Hot sauce


8 Serrano peppers
2 Jalapeños
2 Habaneros (Scotch Bonnet)
1 1/2 Shallots
1 Clove Garlic
1/c cup Water
Little Salt
1/2 cup Orange Juice (I used concentrate)


Cut up all peppers, shallots, and garlic into chunks. Put everything, except Orange Juice, in a blender and blend well. Add Orange Juice and blend a few seconds.

…by Richard Elzey

Asthma Attack

My 10 year old has Asthma and had a severe attack last night. Talking about how bad you can be scared … dam. I was proud of the family, everyone helped any way they could. I was on the phone with 911, my wife performed CPR and my youngest son was putting on her nebulizer. My oldest son was working with my 3 year old and doing whatever we asked of him… like get me my pants, shoes, shirt, go outside and wait for help! It was an all night adventure but besides me being totally gray now, she is OK. That is the most important thing. Thank You God! You heard all of our prayers!