Freaking Smokers… I’m from rural Kentucky so I’m not a smoker hater, hell smoke more it’s great for the economy, well except for all the medical bills we get stuck with paying for the chemo treatments. A big annoyance of mine is when smokers toss their “Butts” out the window of their vehicles. WTF… you rude pricks! Nobody wants to see your cancer butts littering the streets and all over the place. Is it that hard to put them out in your ASHTRAY? Maybe we non-smokers could just start masturbating or shitting on your car seats? Also, I know this doesn’t pertain to most smokers but you know who you are… Freaky trailer trash that trade their food stamps for cigarettes is just wrong. Give your kids the food, it was intended for them.
If you smoke I feel bad for you but that’s your right. Get health insurance so my tax dollars don’t have to pay it for your dumbass. Please be courteous to the rest of the world and put your (trash) butts in your ashtray and dispose of the in the garbage.