Her bike has been down for almost 2 years now. But now it’s up and running and she is ready to ride. So IF her tag was renewed last year and IF the weather holds good we are going on a few hour ride. It need blown out a little bit and rode hard. I know how the bike feels. When I’m not ridden in a while I get cracking and don’t want to do anything either.
She has a Honda VLX 600 Deluxe and I bet it doesn’t have 10,000 miles on it. So this is the year I want to put a few thousand on it. I ride a Harley Davidson Electra Glide 2003, Anniversary Edition. I love to ride but sometimes just feel that we never have the time to do it anymore. With an 8 year old and 1 1/2 year old baby added to the picture it’s hard to breakaway.
I’m going to break away and go riding in the middle of nowhere. Find me some back roads and turn on the tunes and ride. Everyone have a great week this week.