Trees – Trees – and More Trees

Bri1_FIXYes, that is what my family is saying to me about now. I had ordered about 6 Japanese Red Maple trees, which gave me the idea of growing some of them. Well they have Japanese red, green, blood, painted, trident, and a few others maple trees. So I ordered a bunch of seeds, alot cheaper. lol

I also grabbed a couple of seedling maple trees from my sisters house. Then while on ebay I saw a guy that I had bought from years ago and ordered, 2 fringe trees, 4 sweetgum trees, and 2 Japanese green maples. My wife went to my mother-in-laws and out of my old seed bed brings back 4 magnolia trees, 2 camphor trees, and I think 1 chinese elm ( I’m not 100% sure on that one) I also found a guy in the area that sold trees and bought 6 Cassia Trees. So while I’m planting and potting all the trees I decided to put my “Paperbark Maple” in the ground. I’ve been babying it for 5 years or so.

I decided to rejoin the national arbitrator society so now I have 10 river birch, 10 bald cypress, 5 white dogwoods, and 5 redbuds on their way in November. You join and get so many free trees.

A few days ago I saw some red “Royal Poinciana” pretty cheap so I bought two of them as well. Today the guy emailed me and asked if I’d like some yellow “Royal Poinciana” … sure what is another two trees. He then said, well for $7.50 I can throw in another orange “Royal Poinciana”? What the hell just 5 more trees right… oh boy.

I had emailed a guy about a small paperbark maple tree that I might bonsai. I also asked him to work a deal on a Katsura Tree … just two more huh. Oh and I have a Brazilian Raintree (Bonsai) and a Hawaiian umbrella tree (Bonsai) on their way.

Now I didn’t even touch on how many trees I have planted in pots, another paperbark maple, 3 golden rain trees, 2 dogwoods, 2 redbuds, Dwarf Royal Poinciana, 2 dawn redwoods, 2 pine trees, Ginkgo biloba, and a pecan tree. I’m sure I have missed some and never mentioned what I already have in the ground.

I think I have a problem with trees… no more… STOP! (Maybe) OH and my brother-in-law told me he had a few nice big magnolia trees for me.

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