Please stop the Zimmermans racial discrimination…

It’s Zimmerman who is being discriminated against, from the way I see it.

Did I miss something? Trayvon attacked Zimmerman (yes Zimmerman was following him) was beating his head in the ground when he was shot. How much more self-defense is there? Black – White – Hispanic has nothing to do with it? One person attacked another and the person being attacked defended themselves… tragic but self-defense.

“Asked on NBC’s Today if he thought race was a factor in his son’s death, Martin responded: “Obviously, any time you have a person that makes an assumption that a person is up to no good, there is some type of profiling.””

Was he profiled, yes. For good reason, look at his record. The kid was stoned and looking suspicious.

“Was he racially profiled? I think that if Trayvon had been white, this wouldn’t have ever happened. Obviously race is playing some type of role.”

So all white and Spanish people are out to get black kids? How absurd is that. Race was never an issue to anybody till Zimmerman was found innocent. What does he think White boys/men don’t get shot and killed? I think more whites get killed that blacks.

Fulton told NBC that the case is “sending a terrible message to other little black and brown boys — that you can’t walk fast, you can’t walk slow. So what do they do? I mean, how do you get home without people knowing or either assuming that you’re doing something wrong? Trayvon wasn’t doing anything wrong.””

Really… How much more stupid could that have sounded?

The DC Decoder asked, “Why did Obama speak out on Trayvon Martin now? ” 

To stir up racial tensions maybe. Him, Al, Jesse, and  Holder (Obama puppet) all seem to be playing the black card. How did the white race get involved anyway? The was a black / Hispanic issue.

The other thing is how does “Stand Your Ground” Law effect any of this… it was Self-Defense?

Well gun sales have increased and so has concealed weapons carry. More people are away of how often someone is attacked than ever before.

I pray for the Martin family so they can bring closure and have some peace. Loosing a child has to be worst thing that could happen to someone. – God Bless the entire family.

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