We live in Florida, a state surrounded by water and every other home as a swimming pool. We have thousands of lakes and hundreds of river flower though this beautiful state. But it is a water state. Every time I hear of a 4 or 5 year old child, or older, drowning I’m in shock. How could you live in a state with water everywhere and not teach your children how to swim. They are going to be in or on the water. They’re going to be pushed in, fall in, or jump in on their own eventually.
It’s been bothering me my 2 year old can’t swim. I’m only real concerned with her swimming 10 feet. Typically they’re going to be close to something to grab onto to, if they can make it a few feet to the side of the pool, or floatation device, or shallow water. 1 is too many children to die from drowning in Florida. Check with the YMCA, or other organizations out there to see if they have any sponsored classes.