- Dad (Richard Elzey)
- Mom (Shannon)
- Richie – (oldest)
- Eric – (youngest son)
- Faith (Daughter)
- Isabella (youngest)
Happily married (27+ yrs). Children: 2 wonderful boys, and 2 beautiful girls.
Dad teaches for the Contractors Institute – since 1992, wow 27 years. Mom works in Contractors Business Services..
Why a Website: Why not? Something to play around with.
Live / Work: Instructor (Contractors Institute) / Creative Engineer from Spring Hill, Florida. I’m also a ‘Master Mason’ of the Siloam Lodge #399. Richie works for a Pest Control Company, Eric works for the Contractors Institute working for the IT department.
Pets: Two dogs, Border Collie (Einstein), and a Yorkie (Mr. Flowers) We also have a Pig (Roscoe)
Hobbies: Motorcycle, Geocaching, photography, making videos, fishing, growing trees, and peppers, watching movies, reading adventure books, cooking, recipes, and etc…
Music: This is always tough because there are so many. Kid Rock, AC/DC, Meatloaf, Statler Brothers (strange I know), Night Ranger, Eagles, Eric Clapton, Robert Johnson, Dire Straits, The Ebony Hillbilly’s, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, and many more.
Books: I have over 100 cookbooks.
Favorite TV shows: hmm…. there’s Big Bang Theory, News, and the History Channel, – TV is Dead and is so full of propaganda it’s almost bad to watch! ABC / NBC / CNN are all Fake News.
Movies: John Adams, Band of Brothers, Pacific, Lawrence of Arabia, The Third Man (1949), The Dream Team, Ted, Paul