“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist,”
Author Archives: elzey
I’m an Arborist

You can only imagine how exciting it is to grow trees. You have to be extremely patient and be prepared for disappointment after watching a tree grow from seed and overnight freeze in a cold spell and there is nothing you can do.
I’m here is sunny Florida, so if anyone is out there who wants to send me a few seeds to grow and follow their progress let me know. If you’d like me to gather some home grown seeds and send them to you let me know. It’s amazing how you can take seeds from India and ship them to me and I’ll grow the seed here in the U.S. We used to have birds do the work for us, now we have the USPS to do it for them. Unfortunately some trees are so invasive that they kill out native trees, like Mimosa and Chinese Tallow (popcorn trees), and those damn fiscus trees…KILL THEM ALL!
Please send me seeds of any unique trees you may have… email me for my address.
What it means to be an American
First off, respecting our leaders, whether I disagree with them or not. As a veteran my oath never expires, so to be an American is to protect her and help her in any way I can. We accept all races, sexes, and religion. (The Great Melting Pot) Unless that religion is a security threat to the United States. You don’t bring the fox into the henhouse.
America was founded on Christian Values and without them we have lost our moral compasses.
Honor, Duty, Loyalty, Integrity, Respect, Selfless Service, and Personal Courage, are not just words but the Values of all our founding fathers understood.
When an American doesn’t like something they can either shut up or do something about it. America must grow and change, our leaders must be Just and Upright men/women.
Dudeism – Ordained Reverend
Epidemic Welfare Fraud
Reposted Article;
We’ve witnessed how big of a problem the welfare fraud is to Americans since part of their tax money goes straight to this organization. However, it seems that Liberals are doing everything they can to hide this from the public.
In 2014, Food Stamp benefits were given by around 46.5 million Americans, each of them receiving an average of $125.35 per month. This is meant to help people in need, but there have been noticed many cases in which recipients were trading in their cards for cash.
The government has taken actions against this kind of fraud, by passing a rule that requires SNAP recipients to contact the state when there have been an excessive amount of requests for EBT card replacements in a year, which would mean that there has been an exchange SNAP cards for money or other payment methods.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough to fix all the problems with the already abused system, causing millions of dollars worth of damage.
It has been recently reported that fourteen people were arrested for committing a $16 million worth food stamp fraud.
More than a dozen retail store operators in and around Baltimore have been charged in connection to a huge food stamp and wire fraud scheme. The indictments allege the retailers received more than $16 million in federal payments for transactions in which they did not provide any food, a fraud scheme commonly known as “food stamp trafficking.” As a result these transactions, they allegedly obtained more than $16,482,270 in EBT deposits for transactions in which food sales never occurred or were substantially inflated and split the proceeds with food stamp recipients”.
Here are some of the names of the defendants:
Walayat Khan, 36, of Reisterstown
Shaheen Tasewar Hussain, 60, of Ellicott City
Mulazam Hussain, 54, of Windsor Mill
Mahmood Hussain Shah, 57, of Catonsville
Muhammad Rafiq, 58, of Reisterstown
Mohammad Shafiq, 50, of Gwynn Oak, Maryland; and his daughter,
Alia Shaheen, 24, of Baltimore
Mohammad Irfan, 59, of Nottingham
Muhammad Sarmad, 40, of Nottingham
Kassem Mohammad Hafeed, a/k/a Kassam Mohammad Hafeed, 51, of Baltimore
There is a quite noticeable pattern. Ten of the fourteen arrested are Muslim, which cannot be a coincidence. So, yes, they stole the money, but it poses the question – where did those millions go? Perhaps in some terrorist organization?
The trend of exchanging the benefits for cash must be stopped immediately. This creates no-strings-attached money which is worth less – food stamp benefits are sold for between 50-70 cents on the dollar. So, to prevent this and to disable Muslims from taking our tax money and spend it on terrorist attacks, the government can just pay the welfare benefits in cash, only 30% less.
Story of My Life…
I’m the Treasurer
I’m the new Treasurer for my lodge Siloam #399, in Spring Hill, Florida. What does that mean? It means I get to write checks and balance the checkbook! YAY, I rock!
In the masonic lodge everyone needs to help out and do their small part to help the lodge. There is only so many of us and nobody get paid.
It is Santa Week…
My 8 Month Old German Shepherd
I love my dog, but she’s has torn up so much… 2 grill covers, swimming pool liner, hoses, peppers, planting pots, pool floats, shoes, yards, cups, bowls, garbage, submersible pump, bike tire, etc.. on and on! Hey but that’s what puppy German shepherds do, I just have to keep reminding my wife so she doesn’t kill her. LOL
I got her to watch my kids when they were outside playing in the yard… she earns her keep. Everyone has to come through the house before she’ll allow them in the back yard. I’m having her spayed this Friday. Never think the cost of an animal is the purchace price! With food, vet, training class, and things that get destroyed add up quick! But she’s worth it!
Shaggy the Little Bigfoot
Poor little orphaned Bigfoot, we named him Shaggy. We found him the woods up by Chasawiska, Florida. He was exhausted and looked like he had been chased and mistreated by other animals or humans. I don’t think he would have made it another day or so if we hadn’t spotted him lying in the woods.
We brought him home and named him Shaggy, only because his hair was long and matted up. My wife and daughters nursed him back to health with cream, oatmeal, some cream of wheat, and baby formula. We also gave him some baby vitamins and everything seem to help.
Shaggy is very intelligent but of course does cannot speak, at least human language. Some things he mumbles though do sound like words of some type. He remembers where everything is at, he’ll watch the girls put something up and then a day or two later goes to where they put it, especially food.
We are keeping him a secret for the most part because if the government finds out about him they’ll take him and put him in some lab to study him. He’d spend his life in a small metal cage with concrete floors. He’s still a small baby so we will protect him and raise him till he can take care of himself. Yes he is a boy, some asked how could I tell… really… maybe I guessed with the 2 balls and polish sausage hanging between his legs. duh
I will keep everyone informed of his experiences and adventures… Shaggy the Little Bigfoot.