I’ve laid around all day & still tired

It’s just one of those days where you lay around and do nothing all day and can’t seem to get the motivation to do anything. I’m still tired and would love to go back to bed and it’s only 7:30 pm. I didn’t get up till 9:15 am, took about a 1 1/2 hour nap, and now I’m ready for bed. I’m literally forcing myself to do my Blog and Vlog.

I’ve been saving up for a Griddle ($160), a cream can supper can ($89), and a cast iron Wok $62.25. I spent $6.99 for a picture fame out of my paypal account and feel bad…lol I mean it’s only $6.99 so It’s really no big deal. I have $75 in there and a few things on ebay and craigslist, I even have a couple hours of tutoring lined up, that’s $60. I really should have the money in a couple of week, 3 at the most. It’s one of those things I only want to buy out of the extra money I make. I guess maybe I need to pick something out and let Shannon and the boys get it for me for Fathers Day which is coming up in a couple of months. Maybe they can get me some of those Green non-stick cookie sheets! yay!

or the Green Earth Frying Pan 3-Piece Set by Ozeri (8″, 10″, 12″) they are $79 for all three and a buddy of mine who owns them, loves them.


Baby Shower at My House

My niece who is 24 is pregnant and having a baby in a couple of weeks. Normally I’d be happy for someone but she got pregnant intentionally without either him or her having a job. They lost both vehicles and now separated. But he did start seeing his ex-girlfriend when she was 8 months pregnant… he’s a real dream catch let me tell ya!

We’ll none of that really matters now because he out of the pictures. I hope she keeps away from the little short stack of shit, he’s probably 5′-2″ or so. But in the next couple of weeks the doctor is going to induce labor for the baby. I think everything is going to work out in the long run. Once he’s out of the babies life she’ll straiten up and the family will help her out.

So,we had the baby shower here, well my wife did. We’ve been helping for the last few weeks getting the house and yard ready. I guess 20 + people showed up and they all seem to enjoy themselves and she got a lot of really nice gifts.

She probably don’t understand or appreciate how hard everyone worked to make this happen. My wife and been working all day on the house and the last couple of days preparing the food and deserts. My mother-in-law has literally been over here to days helping out. Not only has she been working here but she has been working at her own home to get things done. Her sister and mother did work here the other day help clean everything and run to the stores. My niece can always look back at the photos and know that they busted their ass to give her a nice baby shower. I don’t have a clue as to the cost but I’m sure it was several hundred dollars to make this happen. It probably cost me over $1,000 for new furniture and the remodel of the family room. But it looks great and was worth it. But that is our house so really doesn’t count toward the cost of the party.

Good Luck Michelle…

My Nephew by Marriage passed away

DSCI0233My brother-in-laws youngest son passed away today. He was only 40 years old and would have been 41 this October. He had one of the best personalities that I’d ever known. I worked with him on and off over the years and I did consider him a friend. He had some problems but don’t we all in some way or another.

Robert James Koning Jr
Born: October 4, 1973
Passed: April 25, 2014

Rest In Peace My Friend … Bobby gave me the Best Gift that anyone could ever give. I’ll remember him for the rest of my life. Thank You Bobby!

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone… 

Person From History

If I could talk to someone from History I think it would be Thomas Jefferson. I’d want like to know if things worked out the way they thought they would.  If the country went into the direction that they hoped it would. I would like to know if they interpreted things the way they were intended.

I want to know how it really was when the country started. History has a way of glamorizing the difficult parts. Jefferson was probably one of the most intelligent men that ever lived. We can read his writings and see a bit in his soul. He was the architect for the documents that created the country. We even look into his personal life and see that he lived by a code, most his own but nevertheless a code.

How cool would it be to have an original Autograph of Thomas Jefferson?





Who is the person from history that you would most like to meet and talk to? Why? What would you like to ask?


Self Terminate

Our IT guy went crazy and self terminated himself. Now this happened on the 15th of February and we didn’t notice until 18th of February that he hadn’t showed up for a couple of days. After a few day of not hearing from him one of the girls in the office needed something and tried to call him. When he didn’t answer his phone they called his wife and she told them to check his desk. When they did they found his phone, credit card, keys and this note:

garyYes he fired himself and recommend he be escorted off the campus by security. He said the world was ending in 6 months (that was 2 months ago) so it really didn’t matter. He said we are sheep being lead around and that we don’t see what is coming.


10 Awesome Foods I Love!

tacojohns1. Almond Crusted Grouper – The only place I know to do this is Peck’s Restaurant in Ozello, Florida. This is awesome! Everytime I go there I can’t bring myself to order anything but this.

2. Hooter Buffalo Shrimp – If it were not for the cost I’d get me some of these TMI or HOT everyday. The only downside is 10 isn’t enough, I was 20. If you haven’t tried these do, you’ll love the breaded shrimp.

3. Checkers Hot Apple Pies – These are to me that crack is to a drug addict. I can’t say NO. Freakin’ Checker will put them 2 for $1.00 which means I’ll eat two of them…damn it.

4. Tai chicken with peanut sauce. I’ve heard this called Tai Amazing, Tai Chicken in Spicy Peanut Sauce, etc. This is an awesome dish and made it in the top 5 favorites.

5. Taco Johns Taco Bravo! I’m a Taco conosur and these are the best. I’m a Taco Tico fan but they are NO longer in Florida. It’s been years since I ate there. If you are ever around Tavares, Florida stop in an get a couple Taco Bravo’s… you won’t be sorry.

6. Krispy Kreme Donut – glazed or chocolate covered creame filled. OMG, now I want to drive 50 miles to get a few of these. Sad thing is they are worth it to me.

7. Shannon’s Enchalada’s – Shannon’s cooking has went from OK, and after 20 years she can hold her own with anybody. She is a very good cook. These Enchalada’s are some of the best I’ve ever tasted. But so is her Meatloaf, Banana Pudding, coleslaw, green bean casarole, and many more food dishes. She is Fantastic!

8. Chicken, Filet, and Shrimp Combo meal from a Japanese Steak House. For the price I always leave full and I always love the food. Damn now I want to go there and can’t aford it. lol

9. Hot Fudge Sundae, 3 scoups of Pralines and Cream icecream, extra hot fudge, whipped cream, nuts, and a big cherry on top… need I say more?

10. White Castle Hamburgers – Maybe it’s because I can’t have them, or that it was a cheap meal while in High School, or they’re just damn good but these are always great. I will typcially eat myself sick. No fries, no cheese, just a bag full of burgers….yummy!

Prized Possession

3129799784_1e360a51fe_oMy wife (girlfriend at the time) bought this for me back in 1994. I’ll probably go to my grave with this being one of the most prized possessions I have. I travel quite a bit so she had “When miles apart you’re always in my heart” engraved on a flask so I could have a drink in the evenings with her, after teaching all day and trying to relax. I haven’t used the flask in years but it still sits above my desk for me to see. Years ago I thought, what if we had to evacuate for a hurricane? What would I HAVE to take. After walking through the house and gathering up all the important things, I realized that all my treasures had a monetary value of less than $20. We have so many nice things throughout our home the things that really matter is our family and a few sentimental items. I guess I only have a few items that cannot be replaced.

I often wonder about my little “Treasure Box”

that I keep. When I pass on, my family is going to open it and wonder…why did he keep this? Why did he carry this around his entire life with him? I’m sure I’m not the only one who has my irreplaceable treasures, not worth anything, but something we would not trade or sell for any amount of money.

Happy Easter Everyone!

IMG_0219The eggs are now dyed, kids are getting tired, so the Easter Bunny will be coming shortly so Shannon and I can get a good night sleep. I’m sure the kids will be up bright and early looking to find some candy.

Of course we had to wait until 10pm the night before Easter to dye eggs. We always plan on getting everything ready in advance but somehow it never seems to work out like that.

Everyone have a Great Easter tomorrow!


Thank God It’s Friday

photo (10)Wow… This has been a long week for me. I’ve worked teaching this week and then I was working at home. I had to teach Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Tuesday was the day I got into work late and today was a very long day for me. I got a lot of things accomplished but it didn’t seem like it would ever end. We had a free lunch today (steak and cheese sandwiches) and it was a very stormy day.

Shannon is now out with her mother Willa doing the ol’ Easter Shopping. It’s nice for new swim suits and new saddles as well as a bunch of candy that none of us need. But it wouldn’t be Easter without a bunch of candy now would it. I guess tomorrow we’ll color eggs, and we’ll hunt them Sunday morning with the baby. It’ll be cute this year and I plan on getting a ton of photographs… or a least a lot.

Tomorrow Faith will have been with us 2 years! Yay…    it doesn’t seem that long ago but she has grown so much, both mentally and physically, in the past 2 years. She is growing up so fast. We love her as if she was one of our own children… well she is one of our children. I sometimes forget that biologically she’s not ours, she knows that. But own her own she started calling Shannon and I, Mom and Dad. Which is an honor that she thinks so my of us she started doing that. We love you Faithers’ .

Back in Jail

Do you know anyone who just can’t seem to stay out of jail. They’re not in there for violent crimes or anything but for DUI, petite theft, drugs, public intoxication, and other stuff like that.  For someone to have absolutely nothing and are constantly in and out of jail it seems they’d learn a lesson… or at least you think they would. Do they actually become use to be confined and locked behind bars? I don’t know what the thought is but it’s extremely sad that we (tax payers) keep having to foot the bill for all this. We pay for the time spent in jail and then we pay for the rehabilitation and programs, only to be the victims once again. Does anyone else find the wrong?

The sad this is I don’t really have any type of solution to fix this, or even how to start fixing it. I was taught a long time ago when you bitch about a problem and a solution ready. I’m clueless and I don’t think any of the current solutions are working.