Unprofessional Employees

window_assI realize a lot of people don’t care for me, but when it comes to work you should act like a professional. But that’s assuming you have any professionalism in you. Well Karma has always held true the ones that are hateful and mean I’m sure their personal lives are horrible. Probably in a bad marriage and hate everything about their life.

The think is I could give a shit less about what their personal life is like… I honest don’t care. I actually hope their miserable and live in pure hell every second of everyday. You reap what you sow, is what everyone always says.

What I don’t understand how do you come to work and first thing in the morning it’s life life is over. Every thing has gone wrong and everyone is out to get you. Get a life, or maybe get laid. A good orgasm to release the tension is what they probably need. Find a man, or a woman I sort of suspect and go wild.

Now and After that you can still KISS my Ass!

Went to my sons play tonight

My sons had a play at Hudson High School. It was a comedy and for a high school play it was very good.  I was very proud of him… but I always am. So no matter how many play he has his mother and I will always be there and be his biggest fans!


Everyone has a right to quit their job

shooting_dickNobody can really stop you from quitting your job. But remember, everyone has times where they hate the job. Before doing anything drastic maybe take a couple weeks leave of absence and think about you actions. Is it really that bad, and do you think it will be better elsewhere… then where? How will you live with no money, remember if you quit you do not qualify for unemployment. Are you sure you can get another job quickly? Do you have saving to live on for awhile? Something to think about.

But if you do have to quit for whatever reason, don’t burn bridges. Try to give some notice instead of just walking out leaving everyone hanging. Do you really hate all your co-workers as well. If you do maybe it’s not them but YOU! Maybe you’re a nut-job and don’t want to admit that to yourself. Stick around a few days and let everyone know where you’re leaving off. Tell them anything that you may be the only one to know. (like passwords, and where stuff is) If you don’t totally burn the bridge you can always try to come back if needed.  If you dick over your co-workers you’ve lost their friendship as well.

To work with someone for almost 20 years and them to walk out knowing that they are screwing you over is wrong. It proves that you’re the dick head. It really makes me want to find them out alone someday and express my feeling toward them.

So long old friend… Hello Dickwad! You’re the one who shot themselves in the dick.

Why Can’t Some People Park

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I went to Cracker Barrel with my wife the other day and this is how the asshole parked. It was lunchtime and they were pretty busy. So why? Is it they were to stupid to park like normal people, or just an asshole who didn’t care?

I don’t care if your driving a BMW that gives you no right to take up two spaces. I would only hope some smart ass kids would key the shit out of the dumbasses truck, and leave him a note explaining why. But if he parked like this to begin with they probably wouldn’t understand anyway.

If it were a newer truck I’d 1/2 way understand. This was an old beat up shit truck. The tag was from New York , maybe that is how they park there. I was never there long enough to see one way or another. They’d probably be the first ones to cry if they couldn’t find a parking spot and someone was double parked. Where are the cops? … oh never-mind, Dunkin Donuts is a few miles down the road.  I’m sorry but if I go 3 miles over the speed limit they are all over me, but when stuff like this happens you never see them. This is in Hernando county and I’ve been reading extremely bad stuff about them in the News!

What Happened 63 years ago

Term-300x288Thank goodness for the 22nd amendment…

On February 27th, 1951, the 22nd amendment was ratified which made permanent a tradition that has profound influence on the philosophy of government in the United States of America. This amendment may not be the most well known amendment but its place in the fabric of American history cannot be overstated. That is because the 22nd Amendment mandated that…

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

Thank God that back in 1951 this was foreseen or Obama would be re-elected.

Uncovered Information and Times are Changing

bucMy wife just found out that my niece boyfriend has some issues in his background. It’s bad enough where she is not going to be able to see him anymore. I feel bad for her because other people have to make that decision for her but that is simply the way it is.

This made me think… in history how many people would do some horrible things and all they had to do is move a few counties away and use another name and nobody would ever know. They could simply start over again and all that would have been in another life. Now of days that doesn’t work. Everything you do will follow you forever. You make a mistake at 18 years old and that mistake is going to follow you until you die. One stupid mistake and you’re marked forever … now is that a bad thing. I mean if someone at 18 is caught molesting a child at what age do you trust them around kids again (now these are your children I’m referring to)

I’m not sure and I’m thankful that isn’t something we have to deal with but I was just thinking about how mistakes follow you throughout your lives now. I saw on FaceBook where this girl admitted to being a racist, that she “hated blacks and spics”. Now even if this is her hanging out with a group of friend acting tough… that has marked her for life. It wasn’t something she said in private with the group of friends she put it out there for the world to see and record.

I truly think this is the first generation that a lot of them really don’t understand what being racist is. That one race isn’t better than another race of people. Than being gay isn’t a shame and you don’t have to like a life of lying to yourselves and everyone else.

We still have hatred, we still have bigots, and there are many homophobic out there, but I have to admit we’ve came a long way since 1969.  Remember the 70’s shows, What’s Happening, Good Times, The Cosby Kids, Sanford and Son? When they played these shows and others I sort of thought that’s how all black people were. Then came the Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Bellaire to show us that people are all the same but with different skin. I’m white and I have relatives like Fred Sanford. lol But sadly have relatives like Archie Bunker. Times are changing all of us

I don’t care who you are you have to admit Buck Wheat was funny as hell and the star of the show.

Concealed Weapon

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat does everyone thing about “concealed weapons”, yea or nay? Do you think people should have a right to bear arms. When people carry a weapon is it increasing the likelihood of someone pulling a gun and shooting someone else.

So if we got into an argument and you thought I might punch you does that give you a right to defend yourself with a gun? Or if I hit you with a rolled up magazine or a cane can you shoot me dead? Even if I don’t shout, punch, or hit you with anything and you still feel threatened are going to use deadly force against me? Well every scenario I mentioned has happened and the party doing the shooting got off and wasn’t charged with murder. Was this justice or was this a pussy being afraid and thinking they’re a bad ass because they carry a gun.  Why do I have to carry a Glock .45, or a Smith and Wesson 44 mag to protect myself. Why not a .22 small handgun. They kill or stop and assault just as well as a large caliber gun. But a .22 doesn’t scream, look how much of a bad ass I am with this 9mm automatic.

The second amendment says, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” But for some reason I think when our founding fathers wrote this and carry single shot firearms the thought of a semi-automatic handgun with 17 round clip was a little beyond their thought process. It only take 1 shot to kill a person so what are the other 16 for?

I don’t know the answers to any of this and I do have a “Concealed Weapons” permit. I just worry me or my sons will be out one day and call someone an asshole and they shoot us and say they felt their life was in imminent danger and shoot us.

What are your thoughts on this?

Lone Ranger

For What It’s Worth~ (This is a replacement for Feb 25) It’s MIA?

lone-rangerSo the new movie, “The Lone Ranger” has been out on DVD for awhile now. I watched it a couple weeks ago and didn’t find it to be the bad movie that most reviews said it was. I think what it was it didn’t follow the typically Lone Ranger. This guy fumbled his way around with the help of Tonto. Tonto was clearly the intended star of the movie. (of course it was Johnny Depp)

So the next time you read a review about it ignore it and rent the movie. See for yourself, it has humor, and a few good action scene. If you look back on the whole “Lone Ranger” series he was a pretty corny guy. Why did Tonto stay with him to be his flunky. Tonto always had to do all the meaningless shit work… poor Indian discrimination.

I wouldn’t give it a five star rating but I can say it’s worth watching. Probably more realistic that any  Clayton Moore or John Hart ever did.

New Taco Bell Breakfast

1959863_832287990130552_1090209199_nTaco Bell is introducing breakfast now… waffle tacos, breakfast crunch rap, and sausage, egg, and cheese burrito. Now why there doing this I’ll never know. I know they’ve been serving us unhealthy dinners for years but now they have to ruin my one healthy meal…breakfast?

So they say by the end of march you can stop by and pick up your waffle taco. It’s a waffle with sausage and eggs on it, with syrup as the sauce poured all over it.

The “Breakfast Crunch Wrap” is a potato cake, sausage, egg and cheese, in a crunch wrap. Oh boy the arteries are hardening now.

The burrito is the standard with sausage, egg and cheese, or bacon, egg, and cheese. Either way it’s not really the best thing you can have for breakfast. LOL

…but we all know most of us will be there to test the new breakfast out!

While typing this I keep getting the feeling that I’ve written about this before. I DID ON FEB 24, 2014 but it didn’t update…wtf? There is no sign of the article. Fuck… I was doing one everyday. I’ll have to do a replacement article.