Riddick (2013) – Review

Vin-Diesel-hunts-bounty-hunters-monsters-in-the-dark-in-debut-trailer-for-Riddick-1024x426For What It’s Worth ~

The new Riddick was a movie I actually looked forward to seeing. I saw it on opening night and wasn’t that impressed. Yes it was a classic Riddick movie but it wasn’t that great. I was expecting more space episodes since that is where “The Chronicles of Riddick” left off. That took 2 minutes at the beginning and then he’s on a baron planet fighting for his life. WTF?… I wanted a scifi space fighting movie!

The Chronicles of Riddick was much better, but the new Riddick was OK. Will I buy the DVD when it comes out and watch it again, probably NOT going to happen. I wish I would have simply waited for the $1.25 redbox DVD rental instead of dropping $34 at the movies for my wife and I. But it is a ‘Vin Diesel’ classic movie!

The Butler

the-butler-articleFor What It’s Worth ~

I have to admit my wife sort of pressured me into seeing this movie. Which now I’m thankful to have seen it. The movie takes a black boy from the cotton fields of Georgia to being a butler in the White House. Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey played some excellent parts. It shows how he grew up and everything black Americans were going through.  It took us through the civil rights movements, to black panthers, to the first black president. Which as a child would have bet you would not have happened in my lifetime. We’ve came a long way since then.

Everyone needs to see this movie, both black and white. To see what our parents and grandparents went through. Awesome Movie!!!

A Good Day to Die Hard

A-Good-Day-to-Die-HardJohn McClane goes to Russia to help out his son whom he has learned is in trouble, Jack, only to discover that Jack is a CIA operative working undercover. This causes the father and son to team up against underworld forces. They must KICK ASS and save the country… which they do.

I’ve love most all of the Die Hard series so this one is great as well. Action packed, great one liners, and has Bruce Willis returning to his role. Great back in 1988 and again awesome in 2013.

Murder on the Orient Express – review

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The murder mystery was made in 1974 but set in the mid-1930’s. Of course like the title implies is on a train. The Orient Express is stopped when it run into a snow bank and is stuck there. A murder aboard the train occurs and they are trying to solve “who done it” mystery. The movie is loaded with Hollywood stars so you won’t be disappointed there.

The “Murder on the Orient Express” just isn’t my kind of movie. To me it seemed as if the director and all the stars were just trying too hard, if that makes sence. I’d say it’s worth a watch even.

Taken 2 – review

Taken-2-03For What It’s Worth ~

In my humble opinion I think this to be a good as the first Taken film.  Liam Neeson doesn’t really play in to many bad movies, so when I see his name I always assume it’s safe to watch.

Liam Neeson plays a retired CIA agent who is doing a freelance job in Istanbul when the father of his daughters kidnappers (who he killed in the first Taken) tries to kill him , his ex-wife and daughter.

Again it is definitely worth a watch on any night of the week.

Men In Black 3- review

men-in-black-3For What It’s Worth ~

Both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones brought back agents J and K. I’ve enjoyed and love all the Men In Black movies. They’re fun and entertaining to all ages of audiences. I don’t know how many more they will be able to pull off with Tommy Lee Jones getting up there in age. (67)

Aliens, shoot em’ up sence, and good humor is what you’ll find in this movie. I’m sorry I waited so long to watch the movie.

The Caine Mutiny – review

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This 1954 movie, “The Caine Mutiny” is one of  “Humphrey Bogart” that I never really cared for. It had been years since I watch it and thought I’d give it a fresh look and could only make it through 1/2 the movie or so. I think why  I don’t care for the movie is because Bogart is not playing the good guy or even a likable character. You feel sorry for him. I do realize that is what the movie is about, an older captain who is mentally disturb is relieved of command by his executive officer. Bogart, Fred MacMurray, Van Johnson,  and the rest played excellent parts as well. Good action scence and the movie was done very well. I typically love all movies about the Navy and ships… I’m sure it’s me more than it’s the movie, tell me what you think of it.

I did give it a last chance and even at 50 years old I still don’t like the movie “The Caine Mutiny”

J. Edgar

J-edgarFor What It’s Worth ~

This movie caught me totally off guard. I knew a little about J. Edgar Hoover through history books and what I learnt in school about him. Clint Eastwood made a great biography in a way about him. He told a side of J. Edgar that I don’t think most Americans ever knew.

I may not recommend you to run out and rent the movie but if you are ever just looking for a good movie to learn a little something about American History, watch “J. Edgar” . You’ll be surprised at what you didn’t know.

Lincoln (2012)

lincolnFor What It’s Worth ~

This is another movie that I’m ashamed to say took me over 1 year to watch. All I can say is GREAT. It’s amazing how much I didn’t know about history. I also never realized what a genius Lincoln was, he literally had to play poker with the fate of our nation. It was like he was playing four hand of poker at different games at the same time.

How many people like myself are ignorant about his accomplishments.

I loved the fact they didn’t portray him as a saint. He had to lie, deceive, manipulate and bribe so many people without it connecting back to the presidency.

This is one that the entire family needs to seat down Sunday afternoon and watch.

…a must watch.


GI Joe 2 (2013)

gijoe2For What It’s Worth ~

GO JOE! As a kid growing up in the Vietnam era I never really got into GI Joe.

The “Joes” are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra, but the friendly forces who believe them to be the bad guys.

The movie had plenty of action and a few stars – the Rock, Channing Tatum, Bruce Willis (which doesn’t show up in the credits?), and many others. Don’t get me wrong I did enjoy the movie, and thought the action was cool, but I just don’t get the story lines and it is pretty unbelievable.