Memorial Day

We had a good Memorial Day all-in-all. I’m feeling weird again, sick or just real strange feeling. I’m so tired of feeling like this, when and I going to get better. I have to get me into a new doctor this week and get checked out. I know the way I’m feeling isn’t right, but I’ll seem to get better then have a couple of days were I feel bad again.

I did sleep for a few hours today and really didn’t do to much. I was eating some of my peanuts and squished on right into my eye… burned like a bitch too. Damn I can’t believe I was that stupid! lol

We had some GREAT food tonight. Hawaiian Chicken, Shrimp, noodle with Alfredo sauce, Squash and mushrooms, and a small slice of vanilla cake for desert. Everyone loved the meal. And we have leftovers for tomorrow!


Wow… Sometimes I Hate Holidays

imagesWell I guess that is not really fair to say “Hate” holidays, because I truly don’t.  It’s just that in my mind I have a plan on how it should be (or maybe it’s a hope) and of course it never goes the way I think it will.

Of course it the midst of the Holiday going to shit my Anti-Virus Kaspersky starts acting up. Now it’s worked fine for 4 or 5 years and now all of a sudden it won’t do updates correctly. So fucking support gives me the list of shit to do. Holly shit just give me back my unused days and I’ll buy Macafee or something else. I really don’t want to be their tech support.

I think in the midst of everything my shoulder aching doesn’t help anything. But then again maybe it’s having a two year old and not getting sex on any type of regular basis. That does seem to happen. LOL

e on_her_backFlorida is a great state for many reasons. We typically always have something to do, from theme parks, water activities, or some type of celebration going on. People from all over the world come here for our weather and beaches. We are one of the best vacation spots in the world.

Florida has much more to see, from the everglades, to our underwater parks. If you like to fish you’ll find more of that than you though possible here. Sometimes you have to be reminded you’re not on vacation everyday! Florida has so much to offer people, from country living to city life. Vacation down here and tell me for yourself.

You have to admit, we have some GREAT Views!

Hudson, Florida

e slut2In Hudson, Florida, a small town of the Gulf Coast of Florida we have an epidemic of prostitutes. Every day I leave from work and they’re walking up and down the road.  I stopped one and asked if they needed a ride, not realizing that the young lady was working. She quickly rattled of some prices and being married have to decline. Which I’ve know a lot of married men to take them up on their work. I just could jeopardize my marriage over a few minutes with some nasty whore.

I’m not saying they don’t have a right to be a prostitute. I think it’s a fair honest living. If they wish to sell themselves there is a lot of guys out there that need a sexual release. I think they should make it legal and regulate it. They would have to go to weekly doctors visit to get cleared and then they could pay taxes. But even though other countries do this I think it will still be many years before America catches up.

Getting Photo of Strangers

e look_like_a_virginI think in order to get photos of strangers I’m going to rent a booth at a flea market / yard sale ($5), but a tent ($100), and give away a cold water for a photo and a story. Now we need another canopy tent anyway so that really shouldn’t go toward the cost of the photo and story’s, so I figure cost will be $5 for the space and about another $28 for 168 bottles of water or 168 photos and stories. So a total of $33.00 and a day of my time. I plan on taking all the junk I can find in the house and trying to sell it that day as well. So hopefully I come out on the positive side. LOL

I don’t think I’m the only one who does strange things. I think that most of us have a weird hobby of some type or another. But if that is all the money I ever spend to something stupid then I’m doing OK. I don’t plan on it actually costing anything… we shall see won’t we.


We are surrounded by water

e hottie1We live in Florida, a state surrounded by water and every other home as a swimming pool. We have thousands of lakes and hundreds of river flower though this beautiful state. But it is a water state. Every time I hear of a 4 or 5 year old child, or older, drowning I’m in shock. How could you live in a state with water everywhere and not teach your children how to swim. They are going to be in or on the water. They’re going to be pushed in, fall in, or jump in on their own eventually.

It’s been bothering me my 2 year old can’t swim. I’m only real concerned with her swimming 10 feet. Typically they’re going to be close to something to grab onto to, if they can make it a few feet to the side of the pool, or floatation device, or shallow water. 1 is too many children to die from drowning in Florida. Check with the YMCA, or other organizations out there to see if they have any sponsored classes.

Smile on My Face


So a lot of people ask why I come to work with such a big smile on my face everyday… well that is my secret.  It could be years of meditation, and healthy food and exercise.  Living in a household with a great family, 4 kids, and a beautiful wife. I have a great job, and I always try to get plenty of rest.

Renaissance Festival

Who doesn’t love going to a renaissance festival? Every time I go I find myself enjoying them more and more. The food, the cold beer, and the big boobies babes. Life is really good about now…

Tell me what you think, and have anyone been to one of these. They have awesome views!



It’s a Monday…

tumblr_mah2xyHG3Z1r6cr4vo1_500Monday are not always bad, it’s the beginning… the day to play out the rest of the week! Or at least that is what I keep telling myself.

My week isn’t that bad this week. I have a webinar today from 3 – 5pm and then a EPA LEAD class tomorrow. I don’t think there is many students but enough to have the class.  Wednesday I may be teaching a required class that is full. We only have 90 seats available and I think everyone of them is taken.  Thursday is a catch up day, so maybe I can finally get a haircut for the holiday weekend. Friday is another class for me, Home and Property Inspectors. That class is at least one of the fun ones.

ow even though it sounds like a busy week, I’m leaving here in 45 minutes to go home and teach the class. On my LEAD class I should be out of here no later than 3pm, same goes for Wednesday and Friday. So my 3 day weekend starts 3 O’clock on Friday afternoon, and it’s a 3 day weekend… Memorial Day! YAY!

So I guess everything we do has a silver lining somehow.

But, as I well know my plans never stay on course. Everything is subject to change at a moments notice, without any warning. Even todays blog entry I had to redo. I did this once, my computer locked up and guess what didn’t save… oh boy. But, the good thing about that is the second revision is typically always the best. LOL