I need to feel better

I’ve been sick for a couple of weeks. I think I’m almost back up to 100% and bam, it knocks me down again.

My doctor up and retired at the beginning of the year so we’re still trying to find a new permanent doctor. It’s hard to find a doctor who speak English well enough that I can understand, and one that I don’t consider a quack! All I know is we have to find one soon I need to get back up to at least 95% on a regular basis.

If anyone knows of a good doctor in Spring Hill, Florida please let us know.

We Don’t Always Choose Our Friends

I look around at the friends I’ve gathered over a lifetime and really wonder about myself. I’ve never chose a friend because of their social status, or the amount of money they had in their pockets. Yes I do wonder how some of them actually became to be called my friend. Some are strange, even for me. Some I started out hating and somehow they’ve become my closest friends.

I think that is Gods way of telling me I can’t change who I am or where I came from. I grew up in poor rural Kentucky and we didn’t know we were really poor. Everyone around us was just like us so we assumed being poor was normal, I guess it still is.

I look back and some of the people that I’ve looked up-to in life. I’m 50 years old so I’m going back to my childhood till present. I have to honestly say most never had any money, or lived in a big house, or even drove new automobiles. Some had absolutely nothing. But those were the people that I’d trust with my life and the life of my children. They were poor but they were and are always extremely happy!

I know people with a little money and it seems they’re always unhappy about something or another. It seems like a lot of people take advantage of them.

In the final days of my life who do I really want to be like. Whose funeral have I been to that people were honestly hurt because of their passing, and not there to see if they’re going to inherit something.  My wife lives her life like one of these people, and it seems like a lot of people take advantage of her kindness. (at least from my eyes).

She said, “Be Thankful for what you have, not upset about the things you don’t have” or “Someone else is thankful for less than what you have…”

Starting to come alive again!

freemasonmanI’m not sure what is going on with me but I’ve had days were I’ve been to the point where I just lay in bed all day running fevers. I was the sickest I’ve ever been in my life two weeks ago and Tuesday night I think I started to get a relapse. I’m still not 100%, maybe 85%, but I am getting better by the day I think. I still have to teach all day Saturday so hopefully I can make it through that day.
Next week I’m teaching a few days so I really need to shake this and get back to being me.
I just want to take a long motorcycle ride and clear my head and relax for a few days. It’s always something anymore that is going on.
I guess I’m just tired of being tired!

Windows 8 here I come…

Latest-Windows-OSNow I’m not sure how I’ll like it (windows 8), it more touch screen driven than mouse driven… But like John Paul Jones said, Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!.  I’m not 100% sure but I think he said that as he was retreating. lol  But you know what, it’s a computer software program that everyone uses so I’ll figure it out. Hell I may like it better!

I hate waiting on new changes, my thought is go with the newest technology out there or you’ll always be sucking hind tit. Bite the bullet and just do it, figure it out as you go.  It’s a new challenge or at least that is the way I look at it.

I’ve got a couple of friends that are still driving older vehicles. Those new things just don’t have enough metal in them. Or cars aren’t built like they use to be… huh? We put a couple hundred thousand miles on the motor and don’t think anything about it. Our expedition has over 150,000 miles on it and it would not bother me to jump in it and head across the country.  My grandfather once told me when I said, they don’t make them like they use to, you’re correct, they were pieces of shit. Break down all the damn time, no air conditioning, no power steering, and most were manual shift. He said, NO THANKS, give me an Oldsmobile delta 88 with all power any day. (this was when he bought a new 1972 Oldsmobile Delta 88) I’ve ran my ford truck all over hell and back and all it has is a small V8 engine in it. I’ve pulled loads until I thought it would give out, but it kept on pulling.

So again when something new comes along… “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”

I don’t know if I’m OK or NOT?

This is one of the times in my life I don’t know if something happened to me on the way home from Orlando, or if I’m just tired and wore out. My lower back mussels are killing me, but that may have been me carrying a bunch of stuff.  I guess I’m not used to physical labor anymore.

Shannon gave me a pain pill, mussel relaxed, and a anti-inflammatory pill to help me. I added 5 ibuprofen on top of that, so my back pain is slowly going away I think.  I’m telling you it’s HELL getting older, your body hurts now when a few years ago I could have worked all day and never had any pain. The scary thing is I’m only 50, what the hell and I going to be like at 60 years old. At this rate I’ll have a Mr Mobility by the time I’m 65. (which there is some cool benefits to that)

I’ve got to start incorporating a little exercise so I can go until at least 70 – 75. I’ve got a 2 year old daughter and an 8 year old daughter that I will somehow walk her down the isle when she gets married.  I don’t care if I have both boys under my arms dragging me down the aisle I will do it.

Dumbass Niece

IMG_2219My 24 year old niece did exactly what I expected she would do, go back with her abusive boyfriend.

About 1 month ago she called up at 10pm saying he was cheating on her and she was leaving him. Now she was over 8 months pregnant so a whole bunch of family went over and moved her that late at night. She took anything that was hers, took money out of the bank, and used all their EBT card they had. She swore all along it’s over, that’s it. I laughed at her then saying, I’ll give you a couple of weeks. Well I think they may have made it a month. lol

He cheated on her while she was 8 months pregnant, he treats her like a slave, and she loves him so all of that is OK. The sad thing is they have a new baby in the middle of this now. They’re staying in a trailer that should be condemned. It’s really not fit for human habitat.

We’ll it’s not the first time shes left him and it won’t be the last. The sad thing is she worn out her help. Everyone now seems to say, let her figure it out on her own. We won’t be losing any sleep and wasting any money helping her again. I guess some chicks sorta like a little abuse, turns them on.

If she’s dumb enough to go back then she’s dumb enough to figure her own way out without anybodys help this time. She’s a classic user, she knew she was just using everyone till the baby was born and that she was going back to him. She’d look you right in the eye and swear it was over and she would never go back… lol Laying Ho.

It’s Mothers Day…

ashannonI cooked my wife breakfast and then dinner. She had her favorite Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast and for dinner she had noodles with Alfredo sauce, butter cooked shrimp, and mixed vegetables. Not a real complicated dinner but one everyone seemed to love. Or at least everyone compliment me on how good it was.

Shannon got to sleep in until about 11:30 this morning and then she was able to take a nap this afternoon. I really do hope she enjoyed her special day.

We didn’t get her the ring she wanted we are still a few hundred dollars short. Within a month or so we should have saved up enough money to get it for her. She will get it just a little late.

The Mothers Day Eve…

mom76Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our mothers for giving birth to us. After seeing what my kids put there mother through it gives me more appreciation for my own. lol

My mother is 76 years old, she had me at 25 years old and turned 26 one month later. I was the second of 4 children. My older sister will be 52 this year, my younger will be 49, one year behind me. My youngest sister will be 45 this year (December). When you hear the expression time flies …it really does. I remember plain as yesterday my and my sisters playing in my grandmothers back yard, or riding in the back of that 1970 Ford Custom pickup truck. We roasted in the summer and froze every winter. All these years later I still don’t know why or I don’t understand why we did or couldn’t have a car. You don’t buy a single cab truck when you have 4 kids. What were they thinking or NOT thinking.

Well I didn’t want to get off to far, I’m just telling my mother that I love her and wish her a very HAPPY Mothers Day!

Our Septic Tank is Full

We’ve lived here for 4 years now and we have NO idea of the last time the septic was pumped. Well ready or not tomorrow we’ll spend a couple hundred bucks and have it emptied. So at least we will have a date and see how long it will take before it needs pumped again.

In my ‘Home Inspectors’ class the question always comes up about how often should your septic tank get pumped. The correct answer is never if it’s working properly. Some people say at least every two years, but my Spring Hill house has not had the septic pumped in over 18 years now. If it’s not broke don’t fix it is the motto to live by!
