Workplace Gossip

gossipI can’t think of a bigger waste of time than “Workplace Gossip”. I’m not sure how much time per day, week, or year gets wasted but I bet it’s very substantial. Why does everyone feel the need to share their entire life with fellow employees. Are we you best friends or are you just looking for someone to talk to? I thought that is what “Social Networking Sites” are for.

Don’t get me wrong, I like and care about my fellow workers. I like to know certain things but some things are best left at home. I have enough stress with my own life and really don’t need anymore. But, in the same breath, if you really need an ear let me know and I’ll meet you after work to listen.

FaceBook is the website of gossip… let me tell you this, or that. Here is the best recipe ever. Did you know…, and it goes on and on. When I look at Facebook I see a bunch of retired people, out of work people, or people with nothing else to do except go on a website and gossip. I just don’t care if you hate someone else, or you eat out every night at fast food restaurants.  It’s your business and not mine.

So instead of bringing it to the workplace take it to Facebook! That way if people want to know they can read it, if not they don’t have to hear about it.

This is not personal to anybody so nobody please take any offence.

Cooking Time is Bonding Time

cellphoneI really think that cooking time should be a bonding time for all families. To cook a nice meal everyone can help out. The drinks have to be made, table set, food prepared, maybe salads or soup, deserts, etc. Everyone need to chip in and help prepare the meal and talk to each other.

I’m getting to the point where I’m leaving my cell phone more and more upstairs. That way when I’m spending time with the family I have no interruptions or habits of checking email, Facebook, web, and anything else. I go to restaurants and see kids on a date (sort of). Each are on their phone and paying no attention to their date. It’s like why didn’t you all just stay at home and text each other.

We really all need some “tech free” time each day. Take a day and watch people. Watch them in their cars, on break at their job, walking, eating in a restaurant, etc. Look for one day and tell me you’re not surprised!

Some Days are Better Than Others

lyesoapToday is just a blah day… I’m tired from teaching and driving yesterday, at least I hope that’s it. It’s like I should go to bed and sleep this day away and wake up tomorrow and hope it’s better.

Well I need to shake it off and pep up. My kids are great and beautiful, we’re surviving, I just ate some Tacos so life is pretty good.

I really hate when everyone perceives me as being in a bad mood when really I’m just tired. I guess that is everyone though, I hope it’s just not me. I think everyone has “Blah” days and just blow through them hoping the next day is better.

It’s hard to even say what happened today. I slept in a little this morning then I went to work, answered some questions, unloaded the LEAD materials with the boys, came home, ate Taco Bell. There is my entire day.

My picture today is of some lye soap that I bought at the Civil War Reenactment over the weekend for $4.00 from Grandma the soap lady.

Home from Ft. Lauderdale

Well after teaching a EPA LEAD class today I drove home from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. It took 5 hours to make it home. The pay is good and it was a great class and an Awesome group I had today. They wanted to know the information so it went quick and interesting.

The 5 hour trip home I’d thought would never end. I was tired starting out and the truck has a shitty radio so every mile seemed a long time. The last hour and 15 minutes of the trip went quick though… but isn’t that how it always goes? When you’re almost there you wake up and the trip goes fast. lol

That is the story of how my life goes sometimes!

Traveling to Ft. Lauderdale

tamToday was the exciting time of traveling to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. It was a long 5 hour trip with 1 gas stop, 1 attempted KFC stop, and two bathroom breaks. It actually took 5 hours and 18 minutes total.

We took a company truck which has a hard bench seat, no cruise control, and a shitty radio. So the drive wasn’t the best to begin with but when it started to rain… holy shit, that truck has the original windshield wipers. I couldn’t see shit when it started to rain. I was looking for an auto parts store when it stopped raining.

We stopped at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Ruskin, Florida for a quick bite to eat… big mistake. It was like a freak show in there, people running around, lines backed up, people talking a language I didn’t even understand. The floors had that slimy slick feel and everything looked dirty. I went to the restroom and it was dirty as well. So my thought is if the lobby is filthy then the cooking area of the restaurant is probably a lot worse so we left. I ate a tamale from Race Track gas station. It was actually pretty good too! I went ahead and filled up with gas while I was there, across the street from KFC.

I had to stop and use the bathroom a couple more times. Once at a rest area and another at the Indian Reservation in the middle of Alligator Ally, on I-75.

We got here and ordered us a nice burger for dinner… tomorrow we have to return home. Oh boy do I look forward to that.

Civil War Reenactment

reeinactmentThe 3rd weekend of January every year is the “Brooksville Raid”, which is a Civil War reenactment. It’s two days and hundreds of people go with watch history being repeated. The reenactment is based on a actual batter and this is the 150th anniversary of the battle.

I’ll try and go every year to show support and I really enjoyed myself. If you have one near you I highly recommend that you go. I wish I  was able to participate in the reenactments. Too much time and money that I don’t have.

With the cooler weather this year it was perfect. Just cool enough to wear a light jacket.

We are the MIllers – review

We're the Millers2For What It’s Worth ~

This movie wasn’t exactly what I thought it was going to be, but it was way better. This movies is funny as anything I’ve seen in the past 10 years.  Jennifer Aniston has always played the same role to me. She a beautiful woman but I don’t like her in a lot of movies. I’m really not sure what I expected out of the movie but I laughed my head off. And, it was days before I could get, “Don’t go chasing waterfalls” out of my head.

It was loaded with a whole lot of great scene and I thought some good acting.  Jason Sudeikis, Will Poulter, and cute Emma Roberts all did a great job in the comedy movie.

Again I was expecting a mediocre movie and walked away knowing I’ll watch “We are the Millers” more than once. Yes, watch this movie!

Date Day

shannon0I’ve been trying to do a date night once per month for my wife and I. We’ll we got a date day today. We went to a Tai Restaurant and to the movies to see, “Thor 2”. I think I liked the movie more that she did but it was nice to get out and away from the kids for awhile.

I probably ate to much today… I ate some Tai food, popcorn, and then a hamburger and apple pie afterwards. I’m stuffed now. I really love Tai food and could eat it every other day.

Most of our dinner was talking about out taxes for the year. It look as if the adoption credit is only a few hundred dollars. I guess it used to be several thousand dollars or something. lol I’m grateful for any because I wasn’t wanting or expecting any. I honestly feel that if there’s a way for the government to fuck up or fuck me over it’s going to happen. Over the last two years I’ve lost all faith in our government at the Federal, State, and Local levels. They are liars, cheats, corrupt…working for their own agenda.

SuperMan – Man of Steel

supermanFor What It’s Worth ~

Superman – Man of Steel was my favorite superman movie, but it is the newest. Superman has always been my favorite super hero, well him and the Hulk. But I like the new look and the darker side of Superman. The one thing that has always bothered me about superman was that he’s almost to good. Red – White – and Blue, the American way. There is nothing wrong with that, Captain America still plays off that. But Superman is here from another planet for all mankind, not just the American Way.

I see that there is a Batman vs. Superman movie coming out. I’m not sure how good that will be and even if I’ll spend the $10 to go to the movie theater to see it. We shall see…?

Superman – Man of Steel is definitely worth watching. I sorry that it took me so long to finally watch it.

Thor 2 – review

thor2For What It’s Worth ~

Thor was another GREAT movie. In some spots I think a little more explanation was needed. For me it left a lot of questions unanswered. It had great special effects, some great acting, but it was the plot. What happened to Oden? What is the new power source? We watched Loki get a sword shoved through him and he lived?

I’m glad I went to the theater to see and and I would highly recommend it. But I’m a comic book movie lover so pretty much all the super hero movies I liked.

I did notice the minor costume changes in Thor, but hey every super hero needs a little update every now and then.