The Frozen Ground – movie Review

For What It’s Worth ~

IMG_4142.CR2I really thought this was an OK movie. It’s not one of the greats but it’s worth watching.  It stared Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, and Vanessa Hudgens. I thought with a good line up of stars this has to be good. It lived up to my expectations and I walked away satisfied. Not one of the best but a good movie.

Faith 8th Birthday Party

party8Faith’s 8th birthday party was successful. A lot of her friends and family came over to celebrate it with her. She really felt loved and that is what’s important. It’s hard to believe that she’s been with us for almost  2 years now. She’s grown and gotten so big. She probably be with us for  a lot longer and that’s OK… we love her so much.


Philadelphia – The skit

My youngest son Eric did a skit last night with his High School theatre group and it was Awesome. I thought I was happy and proud of him but his mother kept on-and-on about it. Even as we were trying to sleep she kept on about how good he was and that he’s a natural.

I’m as proud of you son…


20 Things that make me feel good

BOO4aOK … this is a challenge sent to me. List 20 Things that make me feel good…

1.   The number one thing is Sex (go figure)
2.   Seeing my Family when I come home from work
3.   Pecan Pie can make anyone feel good
4.   Setting on my front porch with a hot cup of coffee
5.   Riding my motorcycle in the early morning and smelling fresh cut grass
6.   Reading a nice book with being interrupted
7.   Riding around taking photos all day
8.   Shoulder Massage
9.   Legs getting rubbed
10. Watching a good movie
11. Floating in clear water
12. Waking up to Isabella singing to me or when she right in my face
13. A day I wake up and realize I’m off work
14. When a student calls up and tells me they passed their exam
15. Whenever my wife walks into a room with me
16. When all the bills are paid and there is some money left in the bank
17. Seeing new things
18. Ferrets always make me feel better
19. Smell of Fresh ground coffee
20. Warm Krispy Kreme Donuts

So here are 20 things in life that make me feel good. I’m sure there is a lot more but these are the ones I thought of.

Question: Did you ever see a ghost?

Someone sent this to me so I guess I’ll answer it.

I’m pretty sure my grandmother visited me after she passed away back December 14, 1989. It was a month or so afterward when I awoke up on a Saturday morning and she was setting on the end of my bed. All she said was, “It’s OK, you don’t have to be scared”.  The she stood up from the end of the bed and was gone. The entire thing could have only taken a few seconds but it was enough to convince me.

My grandmother and I had talked about death and I had explained to her how afraid I was of death. So this was simply an reply to that… it’s OK, and there is nothing of. Now everyone has their own opinions but in my heart my Grandmother came to be and gave me a message after she had passed.

So to simply answer the question, Did you ever see a ghost? My answer would have to be, YES.

R.I.P. Grandma

Ella Martha Marrillia
Born: July 7, 1916
Died: December 14, 1989 (73 years old)

My grandfather was Irvin Marrillia


Depressed Time of Year


Why is it that every year Christmas brings so much stress to everyone. It a freakin’ Holiday not a competition. It’s always more and more and more. Our greatest holiday has lost all it’s meaning. Now it’s, who sends the BEST cards, who buy the BEST and most expensive gifts… it’s all about receiving and NOT giving.

I’d be happy with a nice Christmas Card and a photo from everyone. Not a Holiday Card, a Christmas Card.

I used to love Christmas, now it’s a dreaded time of year. The oh I have to buy everyone a nice gift. I have to be nice to people I really don’t like. I spend money I don’t have and I go into the big depression. I sacrifice gifts to people I love for people I don’t like. I want to jump in time to January 15 when it’s all over! I really don’t want to be a Scrooge but it keeps getting worse and worse for me.

Boy …Merry Fucking Christmas!

It really does need a reset button.

Strange Day or Normal Day?

unnamed (1)I was at this Circle K from 2:52 pm till 3:01 pm while my son ran in to get a Slurpee for himself.  Now during that long 9 minutes of time 3 people walk out and spit on the side walk… yes right in front of the door, another 2 smokers walked in and dropped their cigarette butts on the ground. (there is an ashtray but I guess putting them into it was too much trouble)

There was also 2 separate guys that went into the store and bought a twelve pack of Natural Light and a bag of ice. They didn’t seem to know each other but bought the exact same thing. They both filled their cooler that was in the back of their pickup trucks and grabbed one for the road and then left. It was like it was a common ritual for them.

Besides all that one pregnant women with a cigarette hanging from her mouth, put the cig out and went in a bought her a 12 pack of beer.  There was also a drunken homeless man that rode his bicycle up and stood in front of my truck puffing on his cigarette. Not unusual but the front of his pants was wet as if he pissed himself? You can see his bike to the right in the photo.

This Circle K is by the Hudson High School… I would have never guessed all the bazaar people that was there today at 3pm. Oh and there was no such thing as parking, it was pull in where ever you could fit… to hell with those things with the yellow lines.

Was this a Strange Day or Normal Day?

I was waiting for the “dueling banjo” as in John Boorman’s movie “Deliverance”

Kaloma – Josie Earp


I did up a page about the Kaloma photograph. It’s still being debated as whether it is Josie Earp or Not? I personally like to think it is. Whoever it may be is a HOTTIE!

Here is a link to the page… Kaloma

Elzey Coat of Arms


I guess this is the “Coat of Arms” for the Elzey clan.  Elzey means: one who came from Elze (alder tree). Does that mean I’m a NUT? Wow…this explains so much about some of my family.

# 10 Sling Shot – $7.52 at walmart

SlingshotEvery-mans dream… who can say NO to a sling shot. Guys will shoot at everything so if you want to see a man act like a 7 year old just but him a sling shot. This is the Perfect inexpensive Christmas Gift and will give the guy in your life hours of enjoyment. Make it really ROCK and get him a bog of marbles to go along with it.

Send me a photo of him playing with it after Christmas…