Taken 2 – review

Taken-2-03For What It’s Worth ~

In my humble opinion I think this to be a good as the first Taken film.  Liam Neeson doesn’t really play in to many bad movies, so when I see his name I always assume it’s safe to watch.

Liam Neeson plays a retired CIA agent who is doing a freelance job in Istanbul when the father of his daughters kidnappers (who he killed in the first Taken) tries to kill him , his ex-wife and daughter.

Again it is definitely worth a watch on any night of the week.

Men In Black 3- review

men-in-black-3For What It’s Worth ~

Both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones brought back agents J and K. I’ve enjoyed and love all the Men In Black movies. They’re fun and entertaining to all ages of audiences. I don’t know how many more they will be able to pull off with Tommy Lee Jones getting up there in age. (67)

Aliens, shoot em’ up sence, and good humor is what you’ll find in this movie. I’m sorry I waited so long to watch the movie.

The Caine Mutiny – review

4945_3For What It’s Worth ~

This 1954 movie, “The Caine Mutiny” is one of  “Humphrey Bogart” that I never really cared for. It had been years since I watch it and thought I’d give it a fresh look and could only make it through 1/2 the movie or so. I think why  I don’t care for the movie is because Bogart is not playing the good guy or even a likable character. You feel sorry for him. I do realize that is what the movie is about, an older captain who is mentally disturb is relieved of command by his executive officer. Bogart, Fred MacMurray, Van Johnson,  and the rest played excellent parts as well. Good action scence and the movie was done very well. I typically love all movies about the Navy and ships… I’m sure it’s me more than it’s the movie, tell me what you think of it.

I did give it a last chance and even at 50 years old I still don’t like the movie “The Caine Mutiny”

J. Edgar

J-edgarFor What It’s Worth ~

This movie caught me totally off guard. I knew a little about J. Edgar Hoover through history books and what I learnt in school about him. Clint Eastwood made a great biography in a way about him. He told a side of J. Edgar that I don’t think most Americans ever knew.

I may not recommend you to run out and rent the movie but if you are ever just looking for a good movie to learn a little something about American History, watch “J. Edgar” . You’ll be surprised at what you didn’t know.

Beer Review

P1040800I’ve been doing a beer review on my YouTube channel but have gotten several weeks behind. Maybe I need to try and catch up on a few reviews. Does anyone actually care or watch the reviews? It does give me a chance to taste a lot of new beers …LOL

EDGE was an Awesome beer… but then again most beers are awesome when they are free!

Lincoln (2012)

lincolnFor What It’s Worth ~

This is another movie that I’m ashamed to say took me over 1 year to watch. All I can say is GREAT. It’s amazing how much I didn’t know about history. I also never realized what a genius Lincoln was, he literally had to play poker with the fate of our nation. It was like he was playing four hand of poker at different games at the same time.

How many people like myself are ignorant about his accomplishments.

I loved the fact they didn’t portray him as a saint. He had to lie, deceive, manipulate and bribe so many people without it connecting back to the presidency.

This is one that the entire family needs to seat down Sunday afternoon and watch.

…a must watch.


GI Joe 2 (2013)

gijoe2For What It’s Worth ~

GO JOE! As a kid growing up in the Vietnam era I never really got into GI Joe.

The “Joes” are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra, but the friendly forces who believe them to be the bad guys.

The movie had plenty of action and a few stars – the Rock, Channing Tatum, Bruce Willis (which doesn’t show up in the credits?), and many others. Don’t get me wrong I did enjoy the movie, and thought the action was cool, but I just don’t get the story lines and it is pretty unbelievable.


The Raven (2012) – review

FThe Ravenor What It’s Worth ~

Nevermore said the Raven… we’ll this was a good watch. I wouldn’t say it was a great movie but it was worth watching.

Edger Allan Poe has always been a mystery and history has portrayed him a eccentric or crazy. He died when he was 40 years old. He was found wondering in the streets delirious, and said to have been, “in great distress, and… in need of immediate assistance”. It was said he repeatedly called out the name “Reynolds”.

The movie actually used information on his real life and death and put that into the movie, along with some of his literary works. The last scene of him was saying, “Reynolds”. Which happen to be the villain everyone was looking for.

I’d say it is worth a good watch. I’m not a big John Cusack fan but I think he did an excellent job playing Poe.

High Noon

highnoonFor What It’s Worth~

High Noon (1952) is a great movie on many levels. 1 it’s a western and you can’t go wrong with that, 2 it’s a love story, 3 there is suspense leading up to action.

A sheriff (Gary Cooper) of a small town finds out a bad guy he put away for life has been paroled after just 5 years. They bad guy and his gang have came back to town to kill the sheriff. The bad guys gang comes to town to wait for him to get of the train, from prison. It’s also the sheriff’s wedding day and the day he was turning in his badge. The sheriff ask the town and friends for help without anyone willing to help.

The moving ends with the sheriff defeating the gang and throwing his badge in the dirt in front of the entire town who turned their backs on him. He ride off with his smokin’ hottie babe (Grace  Kelly)to another place! I never really thought this was a good choice for his wife. His at least 20 years older than her and she is smokin’ ass HOT, and he’s just OK. She is way out of his league.

As you watch this great movie watch the lighting and shadows. They really to a lot of care when doing the film. I would give it a Sunday afternoon watch!

Ted – review

ted10For what it’s worth ~

The movie “TED” was not what I expected. I started out to expect a children story and it turned into anything but a children story. Ted was one of those movies that catch you by total surprise. I laughed so hard I thought I’d cry. Ted was a teddy bear who a little boy wished alive. Now they swore to remain best friends their entire life. But the boy grows up and finds it hard to have a teddy bear as you best friend.

This is a great comedy and one that will become a classic. I wouldn’t let any children watch it though… Ted is a pot smoking, drinking, party animal. You’ll love the fact that Flash Gordon from the 1980 movie, Sam J. Jones, plays a part in this.

Awesome Movie… watch it.