Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1Harriet Beecher Stowe’s anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, is published March 20, 1852.  The novel sold 300,000 copies within three months and was so widely read that when President Abraham Lincoln met Stowe in 1862, he reportedly said,

So this is the little lady who made this big war.

5 Reasons Working Hard at Marriage is Better Than Divorce

It might be hard to believe, especially when you find yourself in a tough place, but it’s true. Here are 5 reasons working hard at marriage is better than divorce:

1. “Easy” was never part of the agreement:

All marriage vows assume difficulty, sickness, tough times, financial hardship, and times of challenge. So where’s the glory in giving up just because the infatuation is gone and you both grew into cynical versions of the couple who fell in love all those years ago? Working hard is better than divorce because working hard is what you promised to do when you took those vows before God, your family, your friends, your community…and your future children.

2. Your kids need your very best:

You’re a dad. Don’t compromise on giving your kids the best shot possible at a happy home with parents who refuse to give up when the going gets tough. If there’s anything left in your reserves, any effort you can muster, any cost you can bear, any positive change you can make in your approach, do it as a husband and as a father.

3. Everything in life improves when we work at it:

Most problems turn into opportunities for growth when we work hard at solutions. Trying on new relational skills typically leads to being grateful for the bump in the road that forced the issue in the first place.

4. Hard work that brings results is always satisfying:

Guys like projects. We’re problem-solvers and we like to see the result of our labors. Identifying where we need to change and grow, and then doing something about it, is deeply satisfying.

5. Even costly counseling is cheaper than divorce:

Still resistant to getting help? Don’t want to cough up money for counseling? Try doing the math. Divorce is a financial burden that makes six-months of therapy look like a huge bargain.  Make marriage your number one investment in time and money and reap the rewards – spiritually, socially, and financially.

from… All Pro Dads

Top 10 Spring Hill Fast Food

clydes3_z1.   Clyde’s Broasted Chicken
2.   Steak-n-Shake
3.   Chick-fil-A
4.   Donnelly’s
5.   Five Guys
6.   Coney Island
7.   Popeye’s
8.   Wendy’s
9.   Arby’s
10. Taste Good Chinese Restaurant

At one time we had a Taco Johns (Now Burger King on Spring Hill Drive & Mariner) it would have been #1 if still open.

These are Top 10 Fast Food by me, just my opinion. If you have some different opinions let me know.

Rear Window – 1954 movie

rearwindow2The movie Rear Window was a very good movie… I was watching more for the angle of the shots, shadows, and Hitchcock techniques of film making. I really enjoyed the suspense movie. I always appreciate some of Hitchcock’s movies on simplicity  NO cgi, no big budget film, not a lot of action, but at the end your thinking… wow that was great!  I also keep forgetting how beautiful “Grace Kelly” was… wow.

It about a man (James Stewart) who broke his leg and is trapped in his apartment starring out the window for 7 weeks.  His nurse (Thelma Ritter), girlfriend (Grace Kelly), and cop buddy from the war was really the only characters till the end. He watches people through the window in his apartment and notices some strange things going on with one of them (Raymond Burr) when his wife becomes missing. He tries to convince everyone but there seems to be no crime. In the end he proves he’s right , and in Hitchcock style everything is pulled together.

It’s definitely worth a watch for a late night movie. I enjoyed it at least.

Movie “Flight”

thumbnail_6766I watched the movie “Flight” with Denzel Washington and at first din’t like it. I mean it’s a Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) movie, pilot is a drunk and has to come to terms with he must take responsibility for his actions. – not another one…

Later as I thought about it I realized it was more than that. Yes it was a good AA movie, but it was about “Taking Responsibility for ones actions”. There was a drug addict woman, “Kelly Reilly” who it really showed what they life of a drug addict is like. Then there became a bond with a drunk and drug addict that was a very strange love affair. Then at the very end the reunification of father and son.

I don’t think anyone could dispute the AWESOME flying scenes… some of the best.  It’s worth a watch but not a movie you’d re-watch.  John Goodman makes a couple of appearances and it’s an awesome performance!  – you have to watch to appreciate.

For what it’s worth (almost  nothing) that’s my take on the movie … 3.5 out of 5

Home Remedies…

charmOK…my Doctor laughs at some of the home remedies but says, “If they work use them”.


Chew a piece of horseradish half the size of a common black walnut. This was said to have restored the voice when unable to talk above a whisper.


Take one tablespoon of horseradish add two tablespoonfuls of honey. Mix thoroughly. The dose was one teaspoonful every three or four hours. This would also relieve the worst of colds in a short period of time.


A syrup made of onions was a most valuable remedy for colds and pneumonia. To prepare the syrup, a raw onion was sliced in a tin basin and poured over it was a half teacupful of either molasses or honey. Honey was the best. Then was added an amount of butter equal to the size of a small chestnut. The dish was then set inside an oven to simmer for an hour.

ANOTHER: A simple yet effective remedy for colds was a mixture of vinegar and molasses, stewed together and taken while it was as hot as was acceptable.

The photo is of a charm I bought 25+ years ago for good luck… I guess it worked and I’ve still got it.

What’s Up with the Pope

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a major conspiracy…

The Pope butler leaked a bunch of information to the media … More significant is the evidence linking crimes to the Vatican. In the abuse scandal, all roads do lead to Rome, Pope, and the Vatican. By stepping down now, and allowing for someone untouched by the cover-up scheme to take his place, the pope can save the papacy from a direct confrontation with criminal authorities. His choice is the perfect one for a man who reached the highest point in the church… sacrifice himself for the church, they’ll give him sainthood for this!

For him, seclusion in a Vatican convent provides a way to evade responsibility for his central role in protecting thousands of priests who raped children around the world.

Past Lives Reading for Richard

I got this reading done from this psychic lady…LOL

***Before each reading I like to give a little background on past life readings. You may have lived 30 past lives or you may have had only 2. When I meditate before each reading, I connect with your energy through the username and first name you provided to see into the past and discover your previous lives, all of them may or may not come through. I will list 2 past lives in this reading unless you purchased an extra. In addition, I would like to note, it does not matter in this life if you are male or female, the belief is – the sole purpose is for your soul to gain experience and become wiser. That said, almost everyone, at least that I have read for, has been both at one time or another between their past lives and the life they are living now. Please enjoy your reading.***

        In the first past life to come through, you lived in France during the late 1600’s, around 1675-80. In this past life, you were part of a large family living under one roof. There were 8 people in your family, your parents, you, 2 grandmothers, and 3 siblings you had. Being the youngest, you were often left out and left behind in family activities until you were about 7 years old. This was common because it was expected that a younger child would not live very long. Therefore, families would wait before growing emotionally attached to their children. The 3 much older siblings you had were all brothers. All of them turned out to be soldiers but none of them had fought in any major wars. They were trained just in case they were to be involved, but never were. About the time you were 16 or 17, you had chosen this path as well but had a much different experience than your brothers. During the time you were a soldier, you met a woman from your village with whom you married. Shortly after the marriage took place, you were called off into war, I believe against Spain, in an effort to reclaim the territory of France. In this life, you were stabbed with a knife at the end of the gun but you survived the wound. This might be the experience with swords you keep dreaming about. At first when this life came up, I thought it related to the dreams you had. It may have as far as dreaming you were in battle but this is not where you received the injury in your right arm, that was in the next past life I talk about. In this one, you lived through the war and eventually had 3 children with your wife. Later on in this life, one of your sons also became a soldier and shortly after you had fallen ill and died at the age of 54. You may feel a lot of connections to wars and battles because of this life and the next past life listed. Emotions might arise from time to time associated with those lives, but at least now, you have some sort of explanation for it. Sometimes having and explanation cuts back on the dreams and experiences in the current life.

In the next past life to come through, you lived in the 1800’s in France but later moved to the United States. Your father in this past life was involved in fur trade somehow, and had traveled to the United States for the purpose of fur trading with the Sioux Native American tribe. When you were in your late teens, you had started going with your father on his journeys to the US. After a while, you met a woman here with whom you married and remained living in the western part of the US. Together you had one child. Then, one day in particular, you had gone off to Canada to do business there. When you returned home, your wife had been murdered along with your child, your son. The men who helped you with trading and often traveled alongside you, had also returned home to find their families dead. What you and your men did not know was that the Sioux tribe had attacked your families. I could not pick up exactly how everything happened but I know it had to do with the Sioux tribe feeling wronged in the land and what they feel they were owed. A war broke out with them and France and people living in the US at the time over the land and money. In the process, you and your men fought them in battle alongside many others, for what they had done to your families. This is where you died. You had been shot at several times with arrows, one of which went through your heart. Another arrow had gone through your arm. This is the pain you carried into your current life. Often times it can result in a scar, arthritis or many people will experience muscle movements where they were injured in previous lives.

Teaching All Day

Picture 6Teaching seems like it would be a super easy job… hey, get paid for talking right? Talking in front of a group of people all day, presenting material, and answering question is physically and mentally exhausting  Now I’m not saying as exhausting as someone physically working outside (or inside) all day. I’m saying when 5pm comes I’m spent. I’m in a daze mentally, my legs and back ache, and I feel as if I’ve not slept in days.

I know I have no right to complain because a lot of people are working hard outdoors in the heat everyday all day and don’t complain about it. I then remember my 3rd grade teacher who wore a dress, high heel shoes, hair done up, makeup, and stood up writing on the chalkboard all day. It was pre – A/C in schools so it was HOT (good ol’ awning windows). WOW… now I feel like a total wussie.

NEVER-MIND… my day was GREAT! I feel GREAT! I’m thankful  for having such a wussie job! Here is my Winnie Whistle for a Whiny Guy.