Jennifer Odom

I awoke this morning from a bizarre dream. I was in this house looking for my second hat (I had one but it was the second one I was looking for). The house was empty and I was going through this house and in the back bedroom I walked in and this 5 – 6 year old, dark haired girl was in the bed. I was puzzled and asked was she staying home by herself and she said, yes. I asked her name and she responded “Jennifer Odom”.  I carried on looking for my hat wondering why that name sounded familiar.

The name sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. When I awoke I Google it to find out she was the missing / murdered girl from 20 years ago. I’ve been trying to figure out all day why my subconscious mind brought her into my memories. I was still living in Orlando and wasn’t even around and never heard of Pasco County at the time. I didn’t come over until the “No Name Storm” of 1993, which happened in March.  Did I see something or hear something 20 years ago that my subconscious mind it trying to bring forward or did I just recently read and article about the police department opening up the ‘cold case files’. I don’t know what it was but I’ll be scratching my head for days thinking about it. My wife mentioned maybe it’s her trying to tell me something? But why me?

Maybe it was just to type this blog today? The person will read it and turn themselves in. The Lord does work in strange ways that we’re not meant to understand.

I pray that someday they find the person who is responsible and bring them to JUSTICE!

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