Couch Surfing

00404_bNvWnUZBQZX_600x450There are website out there for people who “Couch Surf”. It’s just what it says, people post on a website if they will offer a couch to sleep on for some travelers. People send them and email and make arrangements for them to stay 1 or 2 nights. It’s as simple as that.

I keep up with a photographer who has spent 24 months doing this and he claims that his life has been enriched by doing so. He says he has made life long friends from all walks of life. He’s taken hundreds of photos and is publishing a book next year. He says people are not always what they first appear to be. He said that he’s stayed in rich peoples home and was basically allowed to sleep the night in a guest room with a private bath and then dismissed early the next day without him getting to know the people. He also tells how he has stay in a home made or corrugated metal and the people were the nicest people in the world.

I encourage my sons to do something like this, to explore the world and meet new people from different countries. To eat foods they’ve never heard of, and become humble to others. I thought for years that I’d pack my motorcycle (when I was early to mid 20’s) and ride. When my destiny brought me somewhere that I loved that is where I’d call home. I guess that is sort of how I got here. Life never takes you down the path you think it will, there are so many 90 degree turns… but that is life.

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