Is this racist? … If there was a it would be considered racist but why not when it’s ?

But carry that thinking a bit further… United Negro College Fund? WTF? I didn’t even think negro was accepted anymore. Then you have ” Black History Month” and BET (Black Entertainment Television) again how do we NOT say that these are racist against Whites, Spanish, Asians, etc.  Don’t forget the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), God forbid we have a “National Association for the Advancement of White People”. Think about this, it’s almost as if the white people are the ones being discriminated against.

Let’s watch Miss Black American Pageant, but condemn you if it were the Miss White Pageant, would they not? I saw an ad awhile back marketing a black college. We’d have riots in the street if someone opened a “White College” – some of you remember this!

When a white cop shouts a black man who is trying to kill him we call him a racist cop. But a black cop can shoot some white people and it’s in the name of the Law. How can we be Americans working together with these accepted double standards?

I’m a white man and I’m proud to be white, just as a black man is proud to be black. Why not drop the color of our skins and be ‘PROUD AMERICANS’ again!

dis·crim·i·na·tion  [dih-skrim-uh-ney-shuhn]

1.    an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
2.    treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
3.    the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
4.    Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.

Hell, I thought I was stupid and didn’t understand the definition of the word.

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