Teaching All Day

I was teaching all day for business and finance. I know the it’s Easter weekend but they have their exams coming up and need to have the class.

If you’ve never taught all day you probably don’t understand how exhausting teaching can be. It’s almost worse that physical exhaustion… it’s mental. I get stress, my shoulders hurt and my head hurts. It feels as if I’ve worked for a couple of days outside in the sun. I couldn’t be a school teaching if this is the way they feel everyday. It amazes me how seating in a chair talking all day could make me so tired. LOL

This coming up week I have to teach Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and again on Saturday. I’m exhausted thinking about it. After teaching many days in a row my body starts to adjust to it a little. I need to get more vitamins and start eating healthy and maybe I’ll get some of my energy back, at least I hope. I’ve been out of my cholesterol, flow-max, vitamin C, and blood pressure pills for a couple of weeks.  That could be what is wrong with me. Tomorrow is my last sugar pill as well. I just need to make it a couple more week and then I’ll go the doctors and get a restock on everything.

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