Memorial Day

We had a good Memorial Day all-in-all. I’m feeling weird again, sick or just real strange feeling. I’m so tired of feeling like this, when and I going to get better. I have to get me into a new doctor this week and get checked out. I know the way I’m feeling isn’t right, but I’ll seem to get better then have a couple of days were I feel bad again.

I did sleep for a few hours today and really didn’t do to much. I was eating some of my peanuts and squished on right into my eye… burned like a bitch too. Damn I can’t believe I was that stupid! lol

We had some GREAT food tonight. Hawaiian Chicken, Shrimp, noodle with Alfredo sauce, Squash and mushrooms, and a small slice of vanilla cake for desert. Everyone loved the meal. And we have leftovers for tomorrow!


Smile on My Face


So a lot of people ask why I come to work with such a big smile on my face everyday… well that is my secret.  It could be years of meditation, and healthy food and exercise.  Living in a household with a great family, 4 kids, and a beautiful wife. I have a great job, and I always try to get plenty of rest.

Windows 8 here I come…

Latest-Windows-OSNow I’m not sure how I’ll like it (windows 8), it more touch screen driven than mouse driven… But like John Paul Jones said, Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!.  I’m not 100% sure but I think he said that as he was retreating. lol  But you know what, it’s a computer software program that everyone uses so I’ll figure it out. Hell I may like it better!

I hate waiting on new changes, my thought is go with the newest technology out there or you’ll always be sucking hind tit. Bite the bullet and just do it, figure it out as you go.  It’s a new challenge or at least that is the way I look at it.

I’ve got a couple of friends that are still driving older vehicles. Those new things just don’t have enough metal in them. Or cars aren’t built like they use to be… huh? We put a couple hundred thousand miles on the motor and don’t think anything about it. Our expedition has over 150,000 miles on it and it would not bother me to jump in it and head across the country.  My grandfather once told me when I said, they don’t make them like they use to, you’re correct, they were pieces of shit. Break down all the damn time, no air conditioning, no power steering, and most were manual shift. He said, NO THANKS, give me an Oldsmobile delta 88 with all power any day. (this was when he bought a new 1972 Oldsmobile Delta 88) I’ve ran my ford truck all over hell and back and all it has is a small V8 engine in it. I’ve pulled loads until I thought it would give out, but it kept on pulling.

So again when something new comes along… “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”

Today is Confederate Memorial Day!

…Where is the parties, where is the day off, where is the patriotism for the Confederiacy? Oh wait, we lost the war so that is all gone. Now it’s “what could have been”.

Confederate Memorial Day is a state holiday in some states in the United States. It gives people a chance to honor and remember the Confederate soldiers who died or were wounded during the American Civil War during the 1860s.

Alabama, Georgia, and Florida will celebrate the day on April 28, 2014! YAY…HAPPY CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY!

Something most don’t know:


“The Medal of Honor”, created by Congress during the Civil War as America’s highest military decoration for valor, was never meant for Americans who fought for the South. They were the enemy, after all.

But there’s a Confederate Medal of Honor, little known yet highly prized, that the Sons of Confederate Veterans bestows on those whose bravery in battle can be proven to the private group’s satisfaction.

The silver-and-bronze medal is a 10-pointed star bearing the Great Seal of the Confederate States and the words, “Honor. Duty. Valor. Devotion.”

The Sons of Confederate Veterans has award 50 since 1977, way more strick guidelines than normal.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis signed a law in 1862 authorizing medals for courage on the battlefield, but none was issued.

Self Terminate

Our IT guy went crazy and self terminated himself. Now this happened on the 15th of February and we didn’t notice until 18th of February that he hadn’t showed up for a couple of days. After a few day of not hearing from him one of the girls in the office needed something and tried to call him. When he didn’t answer his phone they called his wife and she told them to check his desk. When they did they found his phone, credit card, keys and this note:

garyYes he fired himself and recommend he be escorted off the campus by security. He said the world was ending in 6 months (that was 2 months ago) so it really didn’t matter. He said we are sheep being lead around and that we don’t see what is coming.


Getting use to new things

Fuck I hate change… Now I have to figure out how to get rid of the boarder around pictures in the new wordpress… This is pissing me off so bad I’m just going to quiet for tonight..

Other than the border issue today teaching was a pretty cool day. It was a long class but that’s the way it goes sometimes.

Rock ON

Boobie Day

I’m not sure how today became  “Boobie Day”? But who am I to argue with it, it’ll be a great holiday for all me. I love Boobies…! Big ones, small ones, any of them. I love to see them hang, bounce, or even pressed up against a piece of glass.

I need to make a cake in the shape of boobies to celebrate the glorious NEW Holiday!

I found April 11 to be:

Barbershop Quartet Day
International Louie Louie Day
National Cheese Fondue Day
National Eight-Track Tape Day
National Pet Day
Worlds Parkinson’s Disease Day

BUT NO “Boobie Day”…. UNTIL NOW!

So by Gosh I’m naming April 11 … Elzey’s Boobie Day! This day should be bigger that Christmas! More exciting that the Special Olympics! This will lead us to a new Olympic sport… Topless Women Jumping on Trampolines!  We’d have more people watching that event than watch the super bowl!

And just think it all started because I woke up thinking about boobs.


Is this racist? … If there was a it would be considered racist but why not when it’s ?

But carry that thinking a bit further… United Negro College Fund? WTF? I didn’t even think negro was accepted anymore. Then you have ” Black History Month” and BET (Black Entertainment Television) again how do we NOT say that these are racist against Whites, Spanish, Asians, etc.  Don’t forget the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), God forbid we have a “National Association for the Advancement of White People”. Think about this, it’s almost as if the white people are the ones being discriminated against.

Let’s watch Miss Black American Pageant, but condemn you if it were the Miss White Pageant, would they not? I saw an ad awhile back marketing a black college. We’d have riots in the street if someone opened a “White College” – some of you remember this!

When a white cop shouts a black man who is trying to kill him we call him a racist cop. But a black cop can shoot some white people and it’s in the name of the Law. How can we be Americans working together with these accepted double standards?

I’m a white man and I’m proud to be white, just as a black man is proud to be black. Why not drop the color of our skins and be ‘PROUD AMERICANS’ again!

dis·crim·i·na·tion  [dih-skrim-uh-ney-shuhn]

1.    an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
2.    treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
3.    the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
4.    Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.

Hell, I thought I was stupid and didn’t understand the definition of the word.