Happy Birthday Jon

My nephew Jonathan Allen Carroll would have been 33 years old this year.  It’s hard to imagine he passed away 26 years years ago. I can still hear his voice and see his face as plain as anything when I close my eyes. I think he’s been looking over me for a long time…

Jon was only 7 years home when he was called home. Jon is my younger sister Tara’s oldest son. They live in Grayson County Kentucky. That was the hardest funeral I’ve ever attended.

Happy Birthday Jon, I still love you and think of you often!  Till we meet again someday.


A Day in The Life of Teaching

richarde picI typically first wake up at 6:20 – 6:30 for the ritual of brushing teeth, showering, and getting ready. That usually takes about 20 minutes or so… then it’s gather up my stuff and out the door. Now when I first got married my wife would have a breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee ready for me as I left, but after 20 years it’s “your Microwave lunch is in the freezer and the bag of instant oatmeal is in the cabinet”. I love you buy… so I get to the office make myself some coffee before class and have a nice packet of oatmeal (low sugar and it taste like shit)… ah the good life.

Students start coming in at around 7:30 and asking what they should bring in and asking various questions. I drink my coffee log into the webinar and wait for 8 o’clock. I sometimes stand by the computer and pray somehow the class is cancelled and I can go back home to bed. (that has never happened yet) Class begins at 8 am, we break at 10 am for 15 minutes or so, then go again till lunch, 12:00 pm. The afternoon session starts at 1 pm and again we take another break at 3 pm. Once break is over I’m on the downhill slope and I typically finish between 4:45 and 5 pm. I lock up the building, turn on the alarm, and go home.

I know all I do is stand and talk but it’s pretty mentally exhausting. The older I get I almost have to take an hour nap or so and I’m usually tired till I go to be for the night. The family even says a little grumpy…bah humbug. It takes most of the next day for me to fully recharge and then Sunday night I know the next day is Monday and it’s time to go again.

Onward March…

Is this racist?

discriminationblackpeoplemeet.com … If there was a whitepeoplemeet.com it would be considered racist but why not when it’s blackpeoplemeet.com ?

But carry that thinking a bit further… United Negro College Fund? WTF? I didn’t even think negro was accepted anymore. Then you have ” Black History Month” and BET (Black Entertainment Television) again how do we NOT say that these are racist against Whites, Spanish, Asians, etc.  Don’t forget the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), God forbid we have a “National Association for the Advancement of White People”. Think about this, it’s almost as if the white people are the ones being discriminated against.

Let’s watch Miss Black American Pageant, but condemn you if it were the Miss White Pageant, would they not? I saw an ad awhile back marketing a black college. We’d have riots in the street if someone opened a “White College” – some of you remember this!

When a white cop shouts a black man who is trying to kill him we call him a racist cop. But a black cop can shoot some white people and it’s in the name of the Law. How can we be Americans working together with these accepted double standards?

I’m a white man and I’m proud to be white, just as a black man is proud to be black. Why not drop the color of our skins and be ‘PROUD AMERICANS’ again!

dis·crim·i·na·tion  [dih-skrim-uh-ney-shuhn]

1.    an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
2.    treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
3.    the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
4.    Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.

Hell, I thought I was stupid and didn’t understand the definition of the word.

Assault on an Elderly Person

beatingsuspect_12886404_8colThree African American teenagers, two boys 13 and 16, and one girl 15 attack and beat an 83 year old white man and then stole his car. The amazing this is this is not being called a hate crime, why not? They purposely chose an 83 year old white guy to attack, beat, and possibly kill. I think if the victim was black and the teenagers were white everyone in the media would be calling this a “HATE CRIME”.

Somehow every time we have a crime committed against an African American by whites it’s instantly labeled a hate crime, when it was a crime. Would these boys and girl attacked the 83 year old man if he’d been black, I’m sure they would have. So in most crimes it’s not a crime because they’re black or they’re white… it’s just a crime. Criminals don’t care what color you are they are only concerned about what they can get. They prey on defenseless or helpless people whom they know can’t or won’t fight back. Most of them are cowards who prey on the weak.

The single father of the boys was at work when the incident occurred. He thought the kids were in school. We don’t really know what the story is on the girl… who knows and does it really make any difference, probably NOT.

That is a standard that everyone should consider whether it’s a hate crime or not. If the person was another color would the crime have still been committed? If yes, then it’s not a hate crime. If the answer is NO, they yes it is a hate crime.

Movie Reviews – Gravity

Gravity-film-Sandra-BullockHow many times has someone told you “It’s a must see movie”, or “You have to watch it!” , and when you do watch it you’re like…are they kidding me. The movie was bad or only a C rating. I just had this happen with the movie “Gravity”. A bunch of people told me how great it was and it has  Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, and Ed Harris, so it must be OK. Wrong it was a C- movie at best.

Gravity starts out and they’re already in space working on the Hubble telescope. Russia blows one of their satellites and cause a chain reaction destroying all sorts of other satellites, space stations, and everything else in it’s path. Everyone is dies except Sandra Bullock and she’s not an enthused astronaut. But she make it to the Chinese space station and uses an escape pod to get out of there.

Sandra look horrible in this movie. Her cute, girl next door, look has gone. NOw she looks like a lady that would keep a lot of cats or something. If I could do it over I wouldn’t even rent the DVD. I may have watch it if it came out on TV or something.


Today is April Fool’s Day!

The day of jokes and pranks. “Your shoe is untied” …April Fool’s. We’ve all played the little games and got a chuckle out of them and as you get older it’s oh no not April 1st again. But it comes every year and every now and then is completely forgotten.

No it’s not a National Holiday, which I heard people comment that it was. It’s just a day made for fun. Nobody has to play or accept the stupid little jokes if they chose not to. There is always that one person that we know with no sense of humor, the Ebeneezer Scrooge of joke day.

I tried to look up the history for the day and there are conflicting accounts. In the end it really doesn’t matter does it. Most of us don’t care if it was created in 1498 or 1998. Here is the most popular answer:

“In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year’s Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. That ear, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year’s day to Jan. 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on “fool’s errands” or trying to trick them into believing something false. Eventually, the practice spread throughout Europe.”

Those who were fooled were called poissons d’Avril, which means “April fish.

The reason behind this was because fish, such as those that hatch in April, are easy to catch and “April fish” are easy to catch with silly tricks.

Whatever the reason or history… your pants are unzipped….April Fools!

Enjoy the Holiday!

Crazy Monday…

Wow… it started out as one of those days where everything is crazy. I walked in the door at work at a couple minutes past 9am, and was meet at the door. What about this… How about that… should we do whatever… How did you do this last time…let’s look at the other building … and on and on. Nothing of great importance it was just everyone had question for me all at once. It litterly took till 11am for me to set at my desk and check my email. 

Then it was lets go to lunch, which was a great thing but it took another hour out of my day. After I come back from lunch a couple of students from a couple weeks ago called and wanted different things from me. Well I’m such a nice guy I try and help and it typically leads me down the road of a couple wasted hours. I know I should “JUST SAY NO!, like Nancy Reagan preached, but I always think…”This will only that a second”.

Well the day isn’t even 1/2 way over and I’m already tired and ready to go back to bed…Crazy Monday…

Wow… it started out as one of those days where everything is crazy. I walked in the door at work at a couple minutes past 9am, and was meet at the door. What about this… How about that… should we do whatever… How did you do this last time…let’s look at the other building … and on and on. Nothing of great importance it was just everyone had question for me all at once. It literally took till 11am for me to set at my desk and check my email.

Then it was lets go to lunch, which was a great thing but it took another hour out of my day. After I come back from lunch a couple of students from a couple weeks ago called and wanted different things from me. Well I’m such a nice guy I try and help and it typically leads me down the road of a couple wasted hours. I know I should “JUST SAY NO!, like Nancy Reagan preached, but I always think…”This will only that a second”.

Well the day isn’t even 1/2 way over and I’m already tired and ready to go back to bed…

Thank Goodness Applebee’s has a $6.00 burger deal going on! lol

Couch Surfing

00404_bNvWnUZBQZX_600x450There are website out there for people who “Couch Surf”. It’s just what it says, people post on a website if they will offer a couch to sleep on for some travelers. People send them and email and make arrangements for them to stay 1 or 2 nights. It’s as simple as that.

I keep up with a photographer who has spent 24 months doing this and he claims that his life has been enriched by doing so. He says he has made life long friends from all walks of life. He’s taken hundreds of photos and is publishing a book next year. He says people are not always what they first appear to be. He said that he’s stayed in rich peoples home and was basically allowed to sleep the night in a guest room with a private bath and then dismissed early the next day without him getting to know the people. He also tells how he has stay in a home made or corrugated metal and the people were the nicest people in the world.

I encourage my sons to do something like this, to explore the world and meet new people from different countries. To eat foods they’ve never heard of, and become humble to others. I thought for years that I’d pack my motorcycle (when I was early to mid 20’s) and ride. When my destiny brought me somewhere that I loved that is where I’d call home. I guess that is sort of how I got here. Life never takes you down the path you think it will, there are so many 90 degree turns… but that is life.


I’ve been making a video a day since January 1, 2014 and don’t think I missed a day yet. It’s just a personal project that I decided to do. I feel as if I’m getting better but at the same time I feel myself getting more and more lazy every day. It’s to the point where I’m waiting till the very last moment to make a video. I then make an excuse saying I was busy so I’ll do better tomorrow, which never seems to happen. I have a lot of ideas but never seem to follow them through.

I need a better beginning and ending. and need to go outside, or somewhere in public and make some. April is my goal of trying harder with the videos and this blog.


Where No One Has Gone Before


Space is the final frontier… But I came to the realization that it won’t really happen in my lifetime. I believe it’s still generations away from even becoming a serious thought. There are so many variables that have to be meet and overcome. But one day…

It’s easy to look at the sci-fi movies like Star Trek, Babylon 5, Battle-star Galactica or Star Wars and think, how cool that would be. Yes it would be super cool traveling amongst the stars at a speed faster than light.  hmm…that why today it’s called syfi, but in the future it maybe reality. Again maybe my great great great great grandkids will see this and think of me. (Probably NOT) But one day… where no one has gone before.